HubSpot Ideas


Restrict dynamic custom workflow action input fields with respect to the specified property type

This feature request is primarily for HubSpot App Developers who want to offer an improved experience for their customers / end users when setting custom workflow action input fields for date properties dynamically (i.e. via a record token).


As far as I'm aware, HubSpot App Developers can only allow their custom workflow action end users to set input fields dynamically by specifying the input field value type as "OBJECT_PROPERTY". However, this doesn't restrict the property options made available to end users with respect to the property type specified by the App Developer (e.g. an App Developer specifies the input field type "date", but the end user can select any property, regardless of its type).


For example, imagine a custom workflow action that updates the due date of HubSpot Tasks. Rather than have end users specify a static Task due date value, it'd be more powerful to allow the selection of a dynamic date value, based on another property belonging to the enrolled record.


In this case, the HubSpot App Developer might define their input field something like this:



  "typeDefinition": {
    "name": "example_date",
    "type": "date",
    "fieldType": "date"
  "supportedValueTypes": [
  "isRequired": true



Currently, this translates to the following experience in HubSpot's Workflow web UI:


Screenshot 2024-03-07 at 09.57.34.png 

Note that, in this example, all Contact properties are available for selection in the "Example Date" input field. I think it would make more sense that only Contact properties that match the specified "type" and "fieldType" should be made available for selection.


Hopefully I've missed something in the documentation and this is already possible? Regardless, thought I'd submit as an idea 🙂