HubSpot Ideas


Restrict Access to Apps integrations for non Admin Users



non Admin users should not be able to integrate any app they want to hubspot. They shouldn't even have access to connects new apps. Thats an Admin only region. 



Due to the GDPR it is necessary to restirict access for non admin users. Before an app can be connected it first needs to be checked if the used tool and connection is GDPR comlpiant.


Right now, every user can include tools and send contact data to those other tools which are maybe not comliant to the GDPR and where we even don't have a data processing agreement. 


2 Replies

An admin can't even see what integrations users have installed for themselves, at least that should be possible.


This is not idea material. This is a security breach. Non-admin users are able to mess around with the settings of the connected apps installed by the admin. In an enterprise environment, it is ONLY THE ADMIN who has permission to install applications which other non-admin users can use, without tampering with the settings. This needs to be fixed asap.