HubSpot Ideas


Restore tasks

Similarly to how we can restore contacts, companies and deals, it would be a great addition to be able to restore tasks. 


Sales teams are heavily reliant on working through specific tasks in order to meet their goals and metrics, however when these are lost, it can have a tremendous impact on business profitability. The workflow is interupted and information is lost, customers aren't followed up on as they normally would be as well as a variety of other reasons make this an important feature to implement. 

12 Comentarios

This would be very helpful to me within my role as sales assistant at a head hunting firm. Especially useful for an administrator within a company that manages tasks for an entire sales team.

HubSpot Employee

this is important!


This would be a great addition to HubSpot


We accidentally completed all upcoming tasks of our sales team and have no way to restore them. Please make this available in a future update!


This is definitely a must have! I accidentally removed my overdue tasks and now there's no way for me to return them. A simple option such as this would have easily solved my issue.


It would also be great if we can track deleted or postponed tasks, with the reason why. Just like when you move a deal to Closed Lost. 


I need this too!  Accidentally deleted a task when I was showing a colleague how to edit the task details and have no way of finding it again!

Estado actualizado a: In Beta
Exmiembro de HubSpot

Hi folks!


The ability to restore tasks is now in beta. You can restore tasks by going to a record > actions > restore activity.




Estado actualizado a: Delivered
Exmiembro de HubSpot

Hi folks!


I'm happy to report this Idea is now Delivered. More info on restoring tasks can be found on this Knowledge Base:





Hello community,


A quick fix to 'bulk' restore the tasks your mistakenly completed :


  1. On the task queues, click the "Completed" view
  2. Filter by "Completed at"
  3. Look for the date + hour of your happy incident
  4. Select and "Mark as incomplete"


Hope this helps,




We would love to see the contact name and/or company associated to an engagement (ie, task) that has been deleted.  Currently if we click on Actions and then Restore Activity from a contact record, we have the option to restore any engagements (ie, task, meeting) that were deleted in the last 90 days; however, we are unable to identify which contact record is associated with the engagement.  It only displays the name of the task/meeting, engagement type, who it was deleted by, and the time it was deleted.  It would be very helpful to show the contact and/or company that the engagement was associated to so we can easily identify which engagement we want to restore.


Totally agree, it’s important to be able to restore tasks. It can also happen that tasks are intentionally deleted, and without the ability to restore them or even see if they’ve been deleted, it becomes a problem that prevents tasks from fulfilling their intended functions