HubSpot Ideas


Resetting lead scores

Hi Developers,


It would be a great function if it were possible to reset the lead score of a contact person to 0. This way, after e.g. a sales offer, it can be resetted to 0, and start recounting. This will benefit both the sales and marketing team of companies.

HubSpot Updates
October 17, 2023 03:42 AM

Hi all,


I'm Dom, a Product Manager at HubSpot. My team and I are currently delving into Lead Scoring for Marketers and are really interested in learning more about your use cases -- we’d like to find out how you are currently scoring your leads, what’s working for you and what’s not working at the moment and what features you would like to see incorporated into HubSpot in the future. 

If you’re a marketer interested in lead scoring and open to a brief 30-minute call with me and my team, please feel free to reach out to me via a direct message.  



50 Replies

I concur.


Reasons I have for resetting to zero:

  • Salesforce Opportunity Closes
    Helps us bubble up existing customers that could become a new Opportunity.
  • Leads created by HubSpot in Salesforce that are actually a customer.
    This may be more of a project for an employee, but, we don't have the resources.
    The idea is to use certain website visits or other activities that only a customer would do to reduce the Lead Score on such a "Customer" Lead in SF.
    (maybe I can create an HubSpot automation to email me when such a Lead takes such an activity to help manage this)

I've used Pardot and now HubSpot going back to 2011 and have always wished there was a "reset to 0" option with Lead Score.   But, I'm new to HubSpot and if HubSpot dynamically scores historic behaviors as you add new scoring attributes then I get why there is no "reset to 0" option.   Negatives can be so tricky.  Once anything dips into negative scores then there is no value to that score.  A -100 or -5 means about the same to me.  Like I said, I'm new so I may be missing something.



Our lead scoring funnel is generic for now, but would love to expand it for better segmentation to help sell out suite of products. The ability to reset the score from a time/product stand view would be highly beneficial. 


A giant upvote! A lot of data hygine efforts are shut down because "this are high scoring leads", but of course if they're in the system for a long time they're going to rack up a high lead score. They need a reset to see if they're still engaged that doesn't require going through hoops setting up negative score setting. 


After years on Marketo and Eloqua, I couldn't believe that Hubspot doesn't have score reset capabilities. Leads funnels do not have a single point of entry and a one-time exit. Sometimes it can take several activations of a lead passing a scoring threshold, deeming it ready for sales follow-up, before the sales team is finally able to qualify them into their pipeline.


The way most lead scoring programs work is that a contact accumulates points for specified behaviors, along with their accompanied demographic traits, until that activity adds up to surpass a scoring threshold, meaning they are ready for sales follow-up. Sales reaches out to qualify and convert, but sometimes the lead may not be ready to convert, as timing is off, budget isn't there, etc. That doesn't mean that they can't be qualified again in the future when their situation has changed. It is critical to be able to reset a lead score so that once sales has followed up, future qualifying engagements can be scored to reactivate leads that may be more ready in the future.

Top Contributor | Elite Partner

My first reaction was to do this via a workflow but unfortionatly the score properties I've created are greyed out in workflows as read only properties with an error message "This value is automatically set by HubSpot and can't be edited"


Maybe an easier ask for the developers is to open up these properties to be bulk edited from list views or workflows.  




As a B2B service led organisation. We constantly market to existing customers. We use lead scoring to measure loyalty, engagement and cross selling. Not being able to reset this is rediculous. Hubspot is lightyears behind its competitors in giving its users the creative freedom to use their bought and paid for tool how they want to use it. 


This needs to be implemented ASAP.




This is an essentail feature for an effective lead scoring. Hubspot team, we would appreciate if you could work on this very soon. 


My company really needs this as we occasionally lose a client, but the contacts may engage with us and come back down the road. A score reduction is not intuitive enough as some contacts have incredibly high scores and some have scores of 0 when we lose them.


We also need them as our sales team may approach a contact, get a no, but want to come back later. Can't believe this doesn't exist already.

Contributor | Partner

We REALLY need this!! 


It would also be great to set it back to a former score, because sometine you'll make a workflow or scoring mistake and are not able to take it back. That would just destroy every report. 


Much needed feature.


definitely agree .. after any extended period of inactivity I'd like to be able to resent to zero


We need this feature.


The engagement from any lead is only valid for a certain time but if I can' t reset their score, leads that have been in my CRM for a long time will grow a very high engagement score as this is cumulative but this won't reflect reality!


It's a must have !!


Please develop this feature !

Not applicable

I would also need the function to reset the HubSpot score of contacts after a specific amount of time.


This is sales 101. Please add this feature!


100% agreed - need this for closed/lost deals.




Notice us please HubSpot Devs!!!


+10000  - Our lead cycles are extremely long, sometimes taking years before they are ready to move into a Sales Qualified Lead.  Thus, high scores are very high and clutter the sales pipeline.  
A simple  set score to XXX after 90 days of no engagement  would be a miracle!


The moment a lead is routed back to marketing as re-nurture, we should be able to flatline the score to 0 as we did with Marketo. Please! This will ensure a smooth lead lifecycle.