HubSpot Ideas


Require company property updated when deal gets to a certain stage

Pipelines allow us to require a property update when the deal gets to a certain stage.


It's needed to allow us requiere a company property update when the deal linked to the company gets to certain stage.

AE had a meeting with the deal. He gets important info about the company (IT Provider). AE moves the deal to HAD MEETING stage and is forced to update certain company info

3 Replies

@nicowegher I totally support this idea.


This should be allow to the properties in both Companies and Contacts too. I find it frustrating that this function is not made available on hubspot and there is no way for me to ensure my team to update the required information which they will acquire as the stages in deals progresses.

Top Contributor

This would be a great feature to have. We'd use it all the time.


Yes, I would like to make sure that we collect the W-9 of a customer prior to issuing the agreement to ensure we create an agreement with the correct name of the customer. I can make a Deal Property however this property is already a Company Property. Yes, I would love to also have the feature to make a Contact Property required or completed for a specific stage in a Pipeline.