I hope this email finds you well. I’ve been exploring the new website, and I’m impressed with the features it offers. However, I have a suggestion that I believe would enhance the user experience even further.
Would it be possible to add a customizable favorites tab? Here’s what I envision:
Purpose: The favorites tab would allow users to save and organize their most frequently accessed content, such as reports, dashboards, and lists.
Customization Options:
Users should be able to add any page or resource to their favorites.
The ability to create folders or categories within the favorites tab would be helpful for better organization.
Drag-and-drop functionality to rearrange items would be convenient.
Streamlined access: Users won’t need to search for their frequently used content repeatedly.
Personalization: Each user can tailor their favorites tab to their specific needs.
I believe this feature would significantly improve the overall usability of the website. Thank you for considering my suggestion!