HubSpot Ideas


Reporting based on History of a property

Looking to create a report using the create date of a property or date the property is changed, which can be found in the history of the property, as one of the metrics for the report. 


A report that will give me the number of deals that were changed to "Deal Stage #5" on that day or in a specific date range. Also, want to filter it based on another property similar to HubSpot Owner that shows the number of deals each person moved to "Deal Stage #5" in a specific date range.

Also could possibly base it off of the date a property is filled out rather than the date the deal stage is changed.


Have been working with HubSpot Support team but would love some help if anyone has ideas of how to do this based on the history of a property or has another possible workaround. 

HubSpot Updates
Being Reviewed
April 15, 2020 08:10 AM

Thank you all for sharing your feedback. We are currently reviewing this issue. We plan to make significant progress in 2020 and we will update this issue as we make progress. In the meantime, please don't hesitate to add additional use cases for reporting on property change history. 

117 Replies

We are in need of this as well. Different use case though - we would like to report on all Survey Feedback submitted by Contacts. Currently limited to "Last Survey Comments" and would like to report on the properties within the History. This seems like basic functionality that a modern day tool could accomplish fairly easily.

Participant | Partner

Similar need: to be able to filter Contacts by when a custom property was last changed.


We need to be able to build lists and workflows based off of property history. 


Today only i got stuck to generate a report to understand the contact journey. Since hubspot captures every movement, it must have a feature to create a report to understand and evaluate the customer journey in many ways. This report will help marketers to design their strategy efficiently and more focused. 


This is very needed!! 


Not sure if this has already been said but this is in Salesforce as the [Object] Field History report
For Sales CRM, it's critical to accurately calculating stage durations, stage win rates, and overall adherence


This is a brilliant idea and exactly what I am looking to achieve!

HubSpot Employee

Hi team, my customer needs to track upsells and downsales, so reporting on historical values would make their analysis more efficient.

Top Contributor | Platinum Partner

+1 for this idea - reporting on the development of a numeric property (for example a 'Total plan amount' field) on any object would be a very handy feature!


Its now 2022, and we still don't have this. 

It would be amazing to be able to generate a report based on the history of a property. An example is as followed: 

If we have a property which tells us wheather a company has a service, we might want to see the growth of the YES in that property record.




Adding another comment on this as we have another use for why this would be great. 


We have a Property called "Tradeshow Attended" and each time we import a list we get from a tradeshow we update that property. Each event we attend has a specific keycode based on the month, year, and name of the event. Before I exhibit at an event, I want to pull a list of contacts that attended that event in the past. Maybe go back 2 years. I want to be able to search what that property was as after each event it gets written over with the most current event they attended. To be able to search in the history for a specific key code would allow me to pull a list needed to follow-up and see if they will be there again.

Top Contributor



Definitely another sound reason for having access to property history. I have a couple of ideas for you  though that may help as a workaround. You could create a support pipeline for Trade Shows and create a custom ticket that holds tradeshow specific data, Then you have have a separate record for each trade show attendance and have that associated to a specific contact or company. You would be able to do an import to create these tickets, have to do some work to auto associate I guess but if you have email addresses that would help.


Second idea, would need more work, you could create a custom object. I haven't experience of   custom objects and you may not have access to then depending on your subscription level, but this could be a solution also. A ticket and a custom object would allow you to hold specific event and interaction detail too and give good opportunity for reporting. 


I'd suggest that these would be a better way to track this as its not really a change in status, it's a new separate event. So for example if you have 1 person and over the space of 5 years they attend 10 tradeshows. If you just update a single field then you will only ever have a 1 to 1 data relationship (which with history reporting would be useful to a certain degree) however with a ticket it will allow for a 1 to many relationship, one contact with 10 tradeshow tickets, which is much more powerful for driving insights into individual and target list activity and results. 




Thank you for that feedback! we do about 30+ events per year with leads ranging from 50-1000+ that we get lists for so I feel creating a ticket for each interaction may be a bit much to follow through with. I'm not against the idea but it does feel overwhelming as far as how many it could create. Something to think about for sure!I have been playing with the idea of creating a ticket/deal for those that need more follow-up however. 


The goal of the property was to create a history of what events they attend so we know which rep to send, who's going to be at these show, are the heavy hitters attending the same shows we are, etc. 




From an administrative point of view, I would like to be able to report on records that Super Admins have edited. This is to track data cleanliness efforts.


This idea is truly needed. We are currently unable to get any visibility of previous class bookings, in our use case - we host emotional wellness sessions. When the client submits their form for one class it shows, however if sign up for more then one in any given time it will only show the most recent one. We loose imperative data points that we can use to better serve our customers:
1) Workshops they have signed up for and are most interested in 
2) We do not get to see anything other than their most recent (without having to click multiple times into the contact proerty field you are interested in to get this data ) 

3) The reports we produce will include the most recent workshop. For example a client may have taken 10 classes that month, you will only see their most recent in the report, it does not allow you even add a 'count' field so you can track how many

4) Workflow features are extemely limited as a result of this as well
This is seriously inhibiting what we can do and how we serve our customers. This does not give us easy access to our own data, which feels very limiting. Hopefuly the wonderful HS team can come up with a solution of a workaround in the reports feature 🙂 

Key Advisor
Hi NadiaBrown,
I hate to offer the suggestion because it’s just another workaround and bandaid to this issue but you can create a custom property field that “counts” the number of classes as a value hits that property.
You would create a number field, Formatted number. Then in a workflow, you would put the steps in place that would identify when this number needs to increase (example form submission xyz or if property was updated less then 1 day ago), then add an “increase property” branch to that workflow. We had to do this to prevent leads from endlessly enrolling in our marketing nurture campaign as we didn’t want them cycling through more than once.

Hope this is helpful sorry I can’t offer advice on the reporting issue we have the same concern. For now we have workaround lists that include “has ever been” for our event attendances. Painful, SO many lists and limited visibility still😐

+1. We really need this feature.


Another vote to be able to report on the contact property history. I'd like to see week over week change - how many were X last week vs this week. 

HubSpot Employee

Hey @mgriffith !

Any update on this? Since the last update was back on 2020, thank you!


@mgriffith any update here? Trying to create a report based on deals who've had a specific property change in the past week. This feature would do exactly this.