HubSpot Ideas


Reporting based on History of a property

Looking to create a report using the create date of a property or date the property is changed, which can be found in the history of the property, as one of the metrics for the report. 


A report that will give me the number of deals that were changed to "Deal Stage #5" on that day or in a specific date range. Also, want to filter it based on another property similar to HubSpot Owner that shows the number of deals each person moved to "Deal Stage #5" in a specific date range.

Also could possibly base it off of the date a property is filled out rather than the date the deal stage is changed.


Have been working with HubSpot Support team but would love some help if anyone has ideas of how to do this based on the history of a property or has another possible workaround. 

117 Replies

A very important usecase for my company is we use a priority property that we use for forecasting deals. We would love to know how many deals were moved out of and/or into high priority so we can track week over week if the trend is moving up or down in viable propsects.


It would be very useful !!!


I copy this comment from earlier posts, this is exactly what I'm looking for. Please let us know when this option is available: 

'In general, reporting should be available for whole pipeline metrics and their development as well. So how a pipeline stage has developed over time e.g. Not just individual deals or their sums, but at that point in history, the stage itself. 

Important for sales reporting to the board. '


We would love to see this! This reporting limitation is why our business completely re-did how leads come into our system because you cannot report on the history of a record. Thanks!

Participant | Diamond Partner

We have multiple clients needing this, it would bring reporting to the next level in HubSpot. Sad to see that there was no official update on this topic for so long.


6 years and it's still in review?! It's been in review for almost 4 years!!!!


We are tracking the current product provider (our competitors) in a custom company property called "Current Provider".  It gets overwritten with a workflow when the company purchases our services.  We'd like to track takeaways, when the takeaway occured, etc. All that would be possible if we could report on property histories.  It would decrease the amount of properties we have to maintain as well.


What is the update on this 2020 project?  Thanks!! 


C'mon @hubspot Property History Reporting please, or at least let us know if it's on the roadmap (preferably with a rough ETA?).


Looking for the ability to report on if a property has ever been "XYZ" (which HS currently does), just need in one view that also shows WHEN that specific property was updated to "XYZ". YES we can find it in each contact's property history.... NO I don't want to manually sort through (and log) the thousands of contacts that fit the criteria. Please please pleaseeeeeee!!!


@mgriffith  any update on this idea? It looks like it's been under review since April 2020. Property history reporting is becoming a necessity for us as we'd like to compare revenue and usage data over time. Allowing it to be used in custom datasets would also go a long way. 


Would be good to be able to access this in workflows and lists too. At the moment you can't filter by 'property was updated from value A to value B' - it's either property has ever been these values or property has never been these values but you can't filter by the update actions. The data is there since you can view it in the history of the property on a contact / company record, it's just not accessible within other areas.


We have some custom properties where it would be great to be able to filter based on something updating from 1 thing to another or even filter by when a particular value was updated.


This would be a super useful feature and very necessary for operations for our business. In the interim I have to create property fields to manually track dates, maybe use workflows. That is a lot of extra processing, clutter and opportunity for errors and bugs, that woudl be instantly fixed by reporting based on history. 

Please make this happen @hubspot !


Showing my support for this feels like yelling into a void, but here I am.


@mgriffith - any update on this review please? Been in review for over 4 years now. Reporting on historic changes is key for us.


Pls fix, it's been asked for many years and no improvments has been done. 


I would like to create a report on who made the most recent change of a (deal) property in a specific timeframe.


Being able to see time series data is extremenly important to us.



UPVOTE. Come on HubSpot product team, if you're serious about agents then you need to solve time series data.