HubSpot Ideas


Report on lead response time

We really need a simple way to report on the time to first contact for our MQLs. Ie. how quickly are they being contacted after they become an MQL, also known as lead response time.


This could be really useful as part of the Sales Reporting with the option to build a report based on time to first contact (in minutes/hours/days) with the flexibility to select when to count from. E.g. from "became a Marketing Qualified Lead" time or from "Created" time or from "submitted X form" time.


One should then be able to build reports like:
- new MQLs not touched within the 1 hour of conversion (which is suggested best practice in Mark Roberge's excellent book)

27 Replies


Contributor | Platinum Partner

@rok Has there been any updates on this feature? This is an important piece in HubSpot's Sales evolution.

Participant | Elite Partner

Hi all! 

HubSpot has included lead response time in their Sales Analytics Tool

From the knowledge base artice:

  • Lead response time: this report shows the length of time between when a contact is assigned to a user and when the user interacted with the contact. This includes sending emails, calling, using a chat, marking a task as in progress or complete, and logging a meeting outcome.

@JohnDrinane I'm looking under Reports > Reports > All Reports and I don't see any report called Lead Response Time.


Can you advise where I can find it?



Participant | Elite Partner

@pille I believe you have to be on a Sales Pro/Enterprise plan. If you are you want to Navigate to Reports > Analytics Tools > Sales Analytics. 

Screen Shot 2021-01-11 at 4.04.35 PM.png

Once in there you will have to set up the report by selecting "Lead Response Time" from the menu on the left hand side. 

Screen Shot 2021-01-11 at 4.05.25 PM.png


Thanks @JohnDrinane I see it!

Top Contributor

I think the report is a good step, but we need a lot more flexibility to meet our reporting needs. This report assumes that the start trigger for the timer is always owner assigned. I want to be able to track response time when someone submits a form, a deal is created, task created, or whatever else would be a trigger. 

We can use custom date properties, but these don't only show month/day/year and not hour/minute. If hour/minute could be added to custom date properties, this could solve this for us.