100% agree we need robust native functionality to report on call performance and result by time-of-day and day-of-week. This should be a given if HubSpot is trying to establish itself as having a reliable, competitve call center-type functionality.
That being said --- I wanted to share a workaround I'm using in case it's helpful for anyone as we wait for a product upgrade from HubSpot. I see some other folks are also doing it this way.
5. I added filters for call outcome because I wanted to know the times of the day that we had the most connected calls, so I added "Call Outcome is any of Connected"
Hubspot - any updates? Would be great to have stats such as the number of missed calls and the average time it takes for the support/sale team to return missed calls. This would need some type of filter to identify the calls within business hours, as calling outside of business hour would skew the data.
I do agree with @BusterPike , the only difference I'd add to his report is replacing "Create date" by "Activity date". "Activity date" shows when the call was made, whereas "Create date" (I think) it shows when the record was created.
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