HubSpot Ideas


Report on Association Label Dates

Currently within the report builder there is no ability to report upon the date an association label was applied to a contact.  For eample, if a lead were to be associated to a deal (with a specific label), we should be able to report on the date that association label was applied.

4 Replies
HubSpot Employee

This would be a great feature to consider be added 


Adding my voice to this - would be extremely beneficial in so many ways.


Love this and would find it very valubale! Would need to be across main and custom object associations


+1. Being able to report on a removed association and its date would also be useful. Then we could report on 1) associations made within a date range, and 2) associations ended within a date range.


For example, a contact-contact association of support worker and client. Currently, no way to report on when these individuals were associated. And once the association has ended, no way to report that they were ever associated!