HubSpot Ideas


Report based on unsubscribe date

Right now you can only pull reports based on whether or not the contact is, or is not, unsubscribed. I'd love to be able to pull a report of all the individuals that unusbscribed in the past x amount of days.

16 Comentarios
HubSpot Employee

Hi @robertsitalia ! A solution to this would be to export the property history for "Unsubscribed from all email" in the property settings which has the date the property changed.  This will help you to update your current contacts 'unsubscribed date'.  Going forward you can set up a workflow to enroll contacts who unsubscribed from all email and then use a date stamp to mark the date of the opt-out.  By having this property in a date format you will then be able to create custom reports.  Hope this helps!


Oh yes, This is a critical feature. It would help us to quickly generate reports and counts using an active list.

HubSpot Employee

I have spoken to a few customers that would like to see a default HubSpot property "Unsubscribe Date" or built in reporting that doesn't just show a percentage but also lists the contacts that unsubscribed when applying the date filter in Email Analytics. 


When does this feature roll out?


I would love to be able to pull the Unsubscribe date as well!


We would also need such a feature for our internal reportings. Any updates on this in the meantime?


Workarounds are nice but only meant to be a stop-gap while the software provider works on the feature in question. This would be such a valuable feature. Especially for those of us who are jumping into a new company and trying to get an understanding of their messy CRM and contact database. Spending time creating a workflow or exporting property history is not a great use of my limited time.


I would love for this feature to roll out. I agree, the workaround is too time consuming for my team at the moment. This is an easy way for simple yet valuable data to be left in the dust. 


Not really sure why such a basic stat is so difficult to pull on Hubspot. When will this be rolled out? 


This would be exactly what we need.

I've been trying to pull this data, report on it, or filter based on it for over an hour, but I couldn't find a way.


This seems like an essential field that seems strange to be unable to use.


I don't understand why this isn't available today without clunky workarounds that undoubtedly put a toll on the platform as it calculates all the custom fields HS clients end up having to create. The platform obviously stores Unsubscribe Date, so why not just make it a custom field vs. only offering Unsubscribe = TRUE. ????


UPDATE: I spoke with Hubspot CS and they showed me how I can export unsubscribe history and it pulls the dates as well.

For now, I just created a custom field for this date, uploaded the list I pulled and imported the unsub dates to the new field, and I have employed automation to track and amend the dates that additional contacts unsubscribe.


It's not perfect and it won't work for people without automation capabilities, but this has allowed me to track this field until it becomes a standard.


Hi @CapnKorb Thanks for sharing your update - would you mind description the steps / fields you're using for the automation?


And why did you need to create the export and then import the unsub dates as a new field, wouldn't you be able to simply create the new field, and then create the automation that'd update all existing Contacts with it as well?


Thank you!


An Unsubscribe Date would be increasingly helpful for us as a new customer, and we are transitioning between two systems. I am having to load and export Unsubscribe list from two systems to ensure that we are not emailing them if the customer has unsubscribed from either of the two systems. We will have to continue this each week until we are transitioned completely into HubSpot. An unsubscribe date would allow us to unsubscribe only the 7opt outs within the last week, rather than that number continuing to grow each week. 

This would also be helpful in the future, for monitoring automations or regular emails that are causing too many unsubscribes. 

Miembro estimable | Partner nivel Elite

Having to create a workaround by exporting the data and creating a workflow to maintain it is not ideal when the data already exists within HubSpot to be exported in the first place - can we not just make this data available natively?


Hey, this is definitely a feature I'd love to have HubSpot Dev Team!