HubSpot Ideas


Reply to notes you've been mentioned

We've been using the notes section & the mention (@) option on contcats & deals quite a bit however, as we start to cmmunicate more and more through this section, a REPLY mention will be great. This way we could see who replies and when. Internal communication about contacts & deals made easy. 


On a deal I write a note to @user1. User 1 responds on the same note and mentions me (user 2) as well as @user3.. who is supposed to take action . However, if someone else comes and sees the notes, it's impossible to identify who responded to what. You can always guess but it will be best to have something like: User 1 says: Hey @user2 have you... and then. User 2 says: yes I have @user1. Please note @user3 is in charge. 

Also, none of the notes written by someone else should be deleted. 

Voila, no room for mistakes. 


Thank you!

8 Replies

feature mentioned in Last statement is must have. Although i agree with your idea. 


Agree - it would be great to be able to reply to notes (both in app and via email) rather than just adding replies through the exisiting note and not knowing who the reply was made from and when.


Giving a user the ability to reply via email, and that response will be included/attached to the original mention would be huge. (other CRMs do this)...


Also...if I mention @user1 and they reply without mentioning any'd be nice for me to be notified of their "addition" to the note. 


A reply feature would be great on Notes. Similar to the reply feature in other applications (Facebook posts etc), these replies could be collapsable and the activity feed would become far more readable.


+1 Vote



100% agree! Crazy it's so clunky to reply to mentions...


Yes and also if you reply within the note there is no email notification that someone has replied. This is a problem for our users that aren't using Hubspot exclusively - we ahve to create a new note in order to ensure an email notification is sent to tell the user they have been mentioned in Hubspot..


Yes, this feature is a must. We regularly @ mention colleagues on contact notes and need a way to track the conversation and replies. Please help!

Not applicable

As of today, you can now comment on any note, meeting, call or logged activity. It is not possible to comment on an email or task activity at this time. The team is looking in to adding this functionality to tasks.