When a user creates a deal, they see the option to add a product. However, some sales professional users don't use products, or don't want all of their team members adding products to deals. If users have the ability to customize which properties you see when creating a deal, it would be helpful to have the option to include or exclude the product option as well.
I would really wish for the option to hide the "Add product" when creating a Deal. The HubSpot Products functionality is very limited (at least at this time), and thus many of our clients are unable to use it.
In some cases, we have added a "Product" field in the Deal itself. In those cases, it really confusing to users to always see this option as well.
I agree with the other users who have suggested the Products section be optional in Deals. We are currently not using it but are exploring how it may work for us once the functionality is more robust. Since the feature is not in use, it's confusing for users to see it in the Deal Creator. Preferably, we should have the ability to activate the field once the feature is in use.
100% agree. There needs to be a way to hide this field from the Deal Creator. It's confusing for sales people. We're training them to use a new tool. They're all skeptics and looking for a reason to hate using something new. We assure them it's simple, intuitive and will make your life easier, then in the next breath we get to say "hey just ignore this field because we can't control it." #fail
I agree with all the comments above. I have a Sales Enterprise license and noticed today that the fields 'Contact' and 'Company' are also in the 'Create a Deal' form, bun they cannot be removed or made optional either. See attached screenshots.
The Customer Service rep that answered my question whether they can be removed was not very insightful either:
Unfortunately, we aren't able to remove the Product modal. This actually applies to all three of the fields you mentioned: Contact, Company and Product. They aren't really standard properties on a Deal record, so they don't appear under the setting which manages which properties appear when creating a deal (linked here in your settings).
In other words, I know the following doesn't give you much to hang your hat on, but it is expected behavior that the Product modal would appear and that it can't be removed.
I agree. My pipeline name indicates the product. In addition the product is set up for an ecommerce purchase not a more detailed software sale. So I would prefer to hide that field and not confuse my sales team. I've deleted all the product I created because the fields that are required are not aligned with our acutal sales proess.
I spent a long time trying to make this change before I gave up and found this. Considering this request is more than a year old, can this simple fix be implemented soon?
Yep - totally agree. I can't really understand why this isn't customizable. We can customize everything else in what people are required to add when creating a deal, but this is a big miss since many industries can't even use this feature because pricing isn't this simple (we work with many b2b organizations and most can't use this). It's very confusing to salespeople to try to explain that they just need to ignore something and that the tool won't let us remove stuff like this from their view.
Does not give us granularity required when picking products. Bad information is worse than no information at all. Maybe the beta line-item functionality will help?
I also agree with the comments before. As long as the HS Products are not much more flexible than they are right now, they do not add any value to large sales organizations. In the meantime, being able to hide the Products section from the deal creation interface is a must.
Agreed! Hubspot Team please proritize this. Creating a deal is a pretty common feature I would say and products are totally unnecessary for some companies.
I also agree with this. This is noise for many using Hubspot. I would like to have full freedom when deciding what to visible when creating a new deal. At the bottom when you are able to associate the deal with a company or contact, I would have the "Add line item" removed. We are not using this. Let us remove it, please!
This really should be implemented. If you aren't using products or line items on deals, it should be easy to hide on the deal creation and really becomes confusing to CRM users when creating deals.