HubSpot Ideas


Reminder emails for overdue tasks

Our users using Hubspot CRM free and Sales need the ability to receive a reminder email for overdue tasks.


As sales people, they are very busy and the original reminder email gets lost in their inboxes and they often forget about their tasks. If they are reminded each day about their tasks, they'll be more likely to complete them instead of letting them fall past due. Even if it's a summary email to remind them that they have past due tasks to follow up with their clients, the daily reminder to do so would be great.

17 Comentarios

Yes Hubspot definitely needs this functionality. Very simple to add: if a task is overdue then a notification email is sent each day at a set time.


Please action this ASAP.




 This would be great. IF we were allowed to create workflows based on a task due date we could accomplish this but I don't think that's possible at the moment. A daily summary of overdue tasks would be even better.


Found this link that says you can do it in Hubspot projects

(although am pretty sure I don't have this functionality on my Hubspot project section). So should be too hard to implement it for normal tasks  🙂 ... should it?


This would solve a lot of problems! Task reminders are getting lost in a sea of emails all the time. 

@davidrevis If they have managed to implement it in projects already hopefully it shouldnt be long till its added to regular tasksEmoticono feliz

Either the workflows based on tasks or the functionality from the projects section would solve all our problems



A daily task reminder for every overdue, incomplete task would be great.

Colaborador | Partner nivel Diamond

I think having the ability to set up workflows based on due date would be extremely valuable for not only reminding the sales team of past due tasks, but also for managers. The challenge we have is figuring out a way for the sales manager to have visibility of tasks not being completed within a specified amount of time.


For example, if a lead comes in and a call task is set up, we would need that to be actioned that day, if it's not then the manager would need visibility to follow up on why. 


We agree here.  I am shocked this is not native functionality.  My guess? is that Hubspot doesn't want to be blamed for being annoying to sales reps.


We have Hubspot sales, marketing, and ticketing and need this on all of them. 


I spent an afternoon trying to vcreate a workflow to do this and could not. It is hard to believe this is not already part of the trigger system. 


We would want to be able to enabvle a setting to send a notice (email or other) to the task owner when overdue and the ability to create a trigger based on the overdue flag so we could escalate the issue if not addressed within the configured time.


Yes, it would be great to be able to have the option to receive daily reminders of meetings, outstanding tasks, tickets for the user via email, to summarise what the user should focus on.


Why is this not possible yet? Managers need to know if tasks aren't done.


Please hubspot let us know when this is available, we need this also!


Yep, excellent idea, please do this.

Colaborador | Partner nivel Diamond

This is really important.


Many organisations do not hav e aclear followup process but, do have a chain of command.

If someone misses an opportunity then its useful for another team member to followup in their absence.



You would think so....but evidently Hubspot doesn't think so.

Lewis Bergman
Texas Communications
7234 HWY 277 S, Suite 2
Bldg B
Abilene, TX 79606-4708
325-480-2590 Office

A task system that doesn't send out daily email reminders for overdue tasks is useless.

It's inconceivable that a crm who has all other features does not provide that option.

Most tasks are not getting done at the due date, and won't get done without a reminder.

A crm without a good task system has no value.


+1 - badly needed


Where are we at now with this basic need that should be implemented as a native functionality? 

Our use case is the CEO himself wanted to be reminded regularly for all his overdue tasks in HS. The reminder must not stop until he completes each task irfom his end (one-by-one)


+1 very much needed.