It would be fantastic if we could setup a recurring email for a specific report. In my use case, we regularly export the sent marketing emails to csv and report on them.
If this could be scheduled monthly to either send me an email or save to a shared drive location such as onedrive that would be super helpful.
Another option would be to make pulling this data out of the API a possibility that would provie the same benefit.
This would be a great addition. We are focusing on dialing in our qualified lead generation numbers and don't want the business of having this report in a dashboard. We want to track it daily.
Upvoting this as well. I see it was being reviewed in April of 2020. Not having this functionality makes Hubspot seem underdeveloped in the eyes of my C-suite.
I would also love to be able to do this! We don't always need whole dashboards emailed, just single reports to limit the amount of information being sent out to people to digest.
I couldn't agree more. I want to send out recurring reports in text or at the very least a selectable/copy-able report, not in the visual dashboard format currently offered. Someone mentioned earlier that this makes HubSpot seem less than the superior solution it truly is. Please add this feature soon! UPVOTE!
I completely agree. It would be awesome to be able to set-up a recurring email, with the report in an excel spreadsheet attached rather than a PDF version requiring the user to navigate into HubSpot.
@JoeMayall , the vast majority of customers on this string are not looking for a pdf/image. We are looking for the ability to get scheduled/recurring email reports. Specifically the .csv files. Is this something Hubspot is working on?
The data shown in the email and PDF/PPTX is truncated. For example, if there are 10 rows in certain report, it shows only 8 rows in emails and PDF/PPTX.
I can understand the email data is truncated. But the PDF/PPTX should have full data.
This is a really important functionality. Kindly incorporate.