HubSpot Ideas


Recurring Tasks

Is it possible to create reocurring tasks, such Ticklers?  I like to set-up ticklers to contact  certain customers on a regular basis.  Is this possible in Hubspot?



December 13, 2021 08:41 AM

Hello HubSpot Community, 


We are looking for ways to improve "Set Tasks To Repeat". The main way that we improve and get better is by being guided by our customers. If you are interested in influending the future improvements to "Set Tasks To Repeat", please fill out the below survey. We will use the collected information as our guide and potentially reach out to some of you so that we can gain a deeper understanding of your feedback.


We appreciate your help and look forward to connecting with you.


November 08, 2021 05:19 AM

Hello @Alexb111,


You should be able to see "set to repeat" in a couple of areas in HubSpot.

  1. When creating a task from a company or contact record, you should see the "set to repeat"
  2. When creating a task from the task app, you should see the "set to repeat"

Screen Shot 2021-11-08 at 8.17.40 AM.png

Status aktualisiert zu: Delivered
September 17, 2021 07:52 AM

Hello HubSpot Community,


I am happy to announce that repeating task is live and available to Sales and Service starter customers or higher. I would love to hear your feedback on this feature. Feel free to DM me with feedback. 





Status aktualisiert zu: In Beta
February 08, 2021 01:36 PM

Hi HubSpot Community, 


Scott from the product team here. I'm happy to report that repeating tasks are now in a private beta. We'll be slowly rolling this out over the coming weeks. If you've already requested access to the beta, be on the lookout for the feature in your account in the coming weeks. 


Thank you,


Status aktualisiert zu: In Planning
March 05, 2020 09:36 AM

@accortdr recurring tasks are currently in development. I can't yet provide a timeline for when the feature will be delivered but this will be the first place I update once the feature goes into beta. Thanks for your patience as we work on building recurring tasks. 

237 Kommentare

@sjudson Has there been any developement on this request? Would you be able to provide a rough timeline for when we could see this feature released? 



Status aktualisiert zu: In Planning

@accortdr recurring tasks are currently in development. I can't yet provide a timeline for when the feature will be delivered but this will be the first place I update once the feature goes into beta. Thanks for your patience as we work on building recurring tasks. 


Hi sjudson,

We are really really looking forward to this feature.

I am always grateful for your help.


Yeah, really need this in order to make the switch. Currently using Asana for recurring tasks which is really powerful. Great for day to day operations. Not sure how we would manage this in HubSpot currently.


Is this feature still coming?...  It's May and the 'set to repeat' feature still doesn't seem to be here.

Mitwirkender/Mitwirkende | Diamond Partner

We just gave up and we're using a different system to set repeating tasks. Really its a shame.


I would be ideal with a way of making tasks repeat itself. Let's say you have sold a product to a client that demands you do something on the same date each month. 


Right now you would have to create each task (not being able to clone tasks) and set them for the future date. 


So it could be cool with a function that makes a task repeat itself. 


Recurring tasks are a basic function in most CRM and should certainly be included in Hubspot.


@sz9t52 it is not - confirmed by Hubspot support. 


I know it is not currently available - my point was that it is a basic function in most CRMs.


There is another idea submitted for Recurring Tasks.  It has 364 Upvotes - it says it is in Planning...


@sz9t52 gotcha. Thanks for the heads up. Will go and upvote it 🙂


Agreed. The queue is OK, but I'd like to mark each task as complete rather than leave it unmarked and rolling. 


are recurring tasks available now on the hubspot, if yes can I create a workflow for deals to enroll them into recurring tasks?


@FIAInterpreting Here is the main thread where I got the link from I sent you. Hope this helps.


We also need this functionality pretty badly so adding my voice to the thread. It seems like it has been a long while since requested.


I was going to write something up in lambda and create the tasks through the API but it does not even look like hubspot API has that capability.


I'm so glad to hear this is being developed! My team was using Todoist before we got started with HubSpot, and the fact that HubSpot isn't as flexible of a task manager has slowed and complicated the transition a lot. Currently, we have tasks that are directly tied to pipeline movements on HubSpot,  but have to switch to other task managers to check general weekly and monthly task lists. 

Teilnehmer/-in | Partner

@sjudson Any Chance you'll be consolidating Project Tasks into the Tasks page at the same time? 


Here is my use case:

1. New Sales Rep joins the company

2. We point them to HubSpot and copy a project template over to onboard them which includes items like HubSpot Trainings, Installing the Mobile App, Connecting their inbox, Filling out their benefits paperwork, etc. 

3. Sales Rep starts getting new leads assigned to them to call

4. Sales Rep can go to the Tasks page and see all of their tasks and due dates in one place


Some of those tasks we would want to be done right away, others like the benefits have longer term (say 90 days) due dates.  


Currently, I don't see a way to consolidate tasks in this manner.  If this is out of scope please comment and I will create a new Idea and see if this has any traction.  







Is there updates on this? 

Can we create reoccurring tasks? 


This is a great idea, when can this happen, please make it soon.


Yes, please, we also need that feature urgently!