HubSpot Ideas


Recurring Tasks

Is it possible to create reocurring tasks, such Ticklers?  I like to set-up ticklers to contact  certain customers on a regular basis.  Is this possible in Hubspot?



237 Kommentare

@sjudson - Have recurring tasks been rolled out to everyone? Based on your latest update it looked like they were being rolled out in February. 


I was in a chat room with @Amandine and she suggested I post my feedback about the "repeat" beta feature here so @sjudson , here goes.

I learned that the a new task will be generated even if the previous task in the series has not yet been completed. I'd have expected the opposite situation in which the next task creation step would need to be dependent upon the previous task's completion status (I.E. Completed). This seems like it could easily scale into a runaway task creation backlog. I'd encourage there to be a max of 2-3 new task generations to be implemented as I can imagine a short 1-2 day repeat window could get out of control quickly and challenging to clean up. Ideally, I'd have a setting choice about the dependence on task completion status and/or switch the default rule to be task complete dependent.


Oh and when I start a task that's a "call" type of task, the "repeat" function generates a "to-do" type of task. I'd have expected the task type to have duplicated upon new task generation and that it'd match what the seed/initial task type was.

Lastly, it may be nice to have a batch update function in the Tasks scene by which I could turn off a bunch of "repeat" functions on multiple tasks at once. In the event it is getting out of control, I'd rather use mult-select and edit to stem the tide or pause before going OOO, than clicking each manually.

Net net, this is a nice feature and it's a pretty clean implementation. I do like how it inherits the Task queue list. That's a real pain to deal with from a Sequence send UX and from the "edit" on an active call during task completion. Thanks for all the hard work. HubSpot rocks!


Hubspot clearly doesnt care about clients - this is obviously a necessary requirment and has been requested since 2017 - it is still in Beta 4 years later. 


Woah, almost 5 years of customer inquiries and it's finally in beta!
Shame on you, Hubspot, for taking so long 😜


I see this is in beta now when I manually create tasks - is it possible to roll out to workflows as well?

Status aktualisiert zu: Delivered

Hello HubSpot Community,


I am happy to announce that repeating task is live and available to Sales and Service starter customers or higher. I would love to hear your feedback on this feature. Feel free to DM me with feedback. 






How do I sign up for the beta for recurring tasks?


@Gcone I see the "set to repeat" when creating a task, can this be automated through a workflow?

ie:  deal reaches stage x which triggers a recurring task?  I don't see the repeat option in the workflow task creation settings.



Where do you see "Set to Repeat"?  I dont see it and I have a Sales Starter and Service Starter Account.

Please advise 




Hello @Alexb111,


You should be able to see "set to repeat" in a couple of areas in HubSpot.

  1. When creating a task from a company or contact record, you should see the "set to repeat"
  2. When creating a task from the task app, you should see the "set to repeat"

Screen Shot 2021-11-08 at 8.17.40 AM.png


Hello HubSpot Community, 


We are looking for ways to improve "Set Tasks To Repeat". The main way that we improve and get better is by being guided by our customers. If you are interested in influending the future improvements to "Set Tasks To Repeat", please fill out the below survey. We will use the collected information as our guide and potentially reach out to some of you so that we can gain a deeper understanding of your feedback.


We appreciate your help and look forward to connecting with you.



Would be a really helpful feature to have for all users. We currently have it for paid users but everyone in our company would use this for setting up tasks for clients and how we service them. 

Yeah, I too was disappointed to see that it's only available for paid
accounts – especially after waiting so many years for what should have been
a standard feature.


I have taken our team off of Hubspot due to this functionality issue and gone to ClickUp. 


Hi There, I would really appreciate if you could add to HubSpot a feature where I preselect options on Tasks so that when I click on Task that the options that I typically select are already there



Whilst the repeating tasks are fine, it would be very helpful to be able to specify a date or length of time for which the task repeats for. For example, we need to set a repeating task every week for just 4 weeks. Presently we have to manually delete the task and with the volume we use this feature, settign the duration of the repeat would be very helpful.


I Agree with comments from @Gcone 

When you are creating bulk number of task you should be able to set those bulk load of task as set to repeat currently this function is only available in the task section.



