Is it possible to create reocurring tasks, such Ticklers? I like to set-up ticklers to contact certain customers on a regular basis. Is this possible in Hubspot?
@Kimberly I agree, reoccurring tasks would be great, however, I did want to mention that if you're a marketing customer with access to workflows, you can setup annual tasks by using a workflow. You can create a property based workflow centered about, for example, a birthdate and select the option to reoccur annually. You can add a step in the WF of "Create a Task". This will reinitiate the workflow each year based on that property and set the desired task.
Hmmm... that's an interesting idea. I might play with it a bit, although it is not as straightforward as just having recurring tasks, it might be a workaround to use in the meantime. Thanks for sharing!
I'm wanting to schedule a reminder for myself each Friday using the 'task' function on a customer's account so I can be reminded to go in and make adjustments for her weekly order. I've been told this isn't a thing yet, so I'll have to do it on my iPhone, but it would be awesome to have it integrated into Hubspot so I can have everything under one hood 🙂
Recurring tasks is a pretty stock-standard feature of any task management soution; it makes no sense to use a very limited (only offers a yearly recuring task) and complex 'workaround' which isn't even offered on every level of the platform.
I am desperate to be able to do this. There are essential tasks for my business that need to be run quarterly and really don't want to pull my team out of the flow of their CRM in to calendar where they will then have to manually create the task.
Can a recurrence tool get added to the calendar tool in the marketing software, so that weekly, monthly, etc. recurring tasks can be added in bulk rather than individually?
I have many sales that are annual, biannaul, or quartly and I would love to have a set of tasks that would enable me to reach out to each of those companies with timely reminders to book their annaul spot.
I agree--having an automatic task reminder (such as weekly meeting, or yearly birthday) is frankly a basic for a CRM. This is the only one I know that doesn't have it.
Our Account Management team have just started to use Hubspot as a task management tool as well as a CMS and desperately need a feature like this. Surely a very simple addition to the existing tasks model?
Has there been any movement on this request? I just moved CRMs from Insightly to HubSpot and I love it so far. But, to be honest, I may go back to Insightly based on the recurring task issue. I have too much going on to have to think about constantly scheduling a new task once I complete one. It's a really big deal. If this is added, it's really the perfect CRM.
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