HubSpot Ideas


Re-order contacts in Contact Object associated with a company, e.g. based on association labels

When I add the "Primary contact" association label to a contact card, it doesn't get re-ordered to the top of the list. So no other account owners or team members will know that a primary contact has been allocated. 

24 Replies

Similarly, we have an association label between companies and contacts called "PR Contact." It woul be nice if we could sort the associated contacts card on the right column of the company record so that the PR Contacts appear on top.


I would also like to see a way of filtering the contacts shown in the right column of the company record.
From the company record view, primarily, I only want to see the "relevant" contacts and maybe not all contacts associated with the company.


Right now we have stopped with automatic association between contacts and companies due to this reason. It would be awesome to have automatic association activatied, but being able to sort/filter the contact shown in the company record view.


It's extremely cumbersome and inefficient to have to click into another window with all the associated contacts every time, when I mostly interact with 2-3 people. I upvoted the feature request.... but I don't have much hope this will get done 😞

Top Contributor | Platinum Partner

For those of you not yet in the know, a new beta was released a few weeks ago which should help you with this issue!


If you're an Admin, click on your profile (top right) and select Product Updates. Then choose Betas (bottom left). The beta is called "CRM Record Overview" - you'll need to alert users that you're switching it on! But you can turn it on for yourself to test it first.


The beta adds an extra Overview "tab" to the centre portion of your screen. It also allows you to collapse the right sidebar. For Companies, Contacts, Deals and Tickets you can then select the objects you'd like to be displayed in the Overview tab, and most importantly, you can select the properties you'd like displayed for each (including custom fields) - and you can SORT by them. You can also select four 'highlight' fields to be displayed at the top of the tab - and you can choose to show recent communications as well.  


Please see @KyleJepson in action in this video where he explains the new Overview tab:


I think you'll rather love it when you get use to tailoring the objects and properties displayed! 🧡 

HubSpot Employee

Commenting here on behalf customer. 

Use case:

Deal records are associated with multiple Company records, differentiated by association labels. 

They would like all deal records to show the associated company in the order of 


Level 1 Agency

Level 2 Agency



Deal A has 3 associated Companies. Ideal order would be:

"Company X", Assocation label : Primary

"Company Y", Association label: L1 Agency 

"Company Z", Association label: L2 Agency 


However, currently associated companies on deal records seems to be displayed in the order of company record create date. Making it extremely difficult to have the associated companies displayed in a consistent order for all deals. 



It would be nice if HubSpot offered the capability to order/structure the ordering of Associated contacts based on the association labels for the use cases in which an account may have 100+ contacts and the "show more" button is not feasible. 


unbelievable - cant see a main contact easily when there are hundreds.. surely a basic function of a crm is to show you particular contacts at a company


If I am following along, need to be able to re-order the contacts however I want to in a ticket. Not just alpha based on the association. Should be able to drag and drop them in the order that makes sense to the user.  Having to click on view more is not working for me. 


My use-case: 

Company record --> Associated contacts sorted by Buying Role.

We are an employment company and have 100+ contacts within multiple company records but only a few key contacts at each. I'd really like to see these at the top of the associated contact list.

HubSpot Product Team

Hello Hubspot community,


I’m a Product Designer here at Hubspot and am in the process of designing a few potential solutions. To help us better understand your needs, we’d love to connect with anyone interested in providing feedback. If you're available, please submit this short form and we will reach back out to you. 


Looking forward to connecting with you!


Hi MMorgan

This is very exciting - one of the things our sales and cs teams are most frustrated by. I think the form requires login? happy to provide feedback!



@MMorgan6 - we don't have permission to use the form




HubSpot Product Team

Hi @ASpringer and @LSmith24!


I've changed the access! Apologies and thank you for letting me know! Hoping to connect soon.



I have filled out the form. 


I definitely submitted this suggested when Hubspot only had an activity feed and not the overview panel. 


But I would say that my natural instinct is still to look in the RHP for associated contacts, and would like to be able to see the top priority contacts at the top of that list. Because that is where associated objects live in my brain and then would of course like to be able to see the key stakeholder first. 


Guten Tag,

ich möchte eine Verbesserung für die Kontaktverwaltung in HubSpot vorschlagen.

Derzeit können wir Kontakte nicht nach Kommunikationshäufigkeit sortieren, was unseren Arbeitsfluss beeinträchtigt. Wir müssen oft manuell durch Listen scrollen, um relevante Kontakte zu finden.

Eine Funktion, die es ermöglicht, Kontakte nach individuellen Präferenzen, insbesondere nach Kommunikationshäufigkeit, zu sortieren, wäre für uns sehr hilfreich. Dies würde nicht nur unsere Effizienz steigern, sondern auch die Pflege von Kundenbeziehungen verbessern.

Wir hoffen, dass Sie diesen Vorschlag für zukünftige Updates in Betracht ziehen können, um HubSpot noch flexibler und benutzerfreundlicher zu gestalten.

Vielen Dank für die Berücksichtigung unseres Anliegens. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Rückmeldung.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Yildiz Barthel Gambit Consulting


This is what I have been wondering for quite a long time. It would be great to be able to select and drag contacts associated with a company to any order you desire.



Definitely need to be able to sort the associated contacts to a company when viewing the company.  Maybe until you are able to make the software improvement, you could insert the associated contacts card above the associated companies card on the overview tab of the company.


Agree! It's incredibly odd (and frustrating) that you cant tag the top POCs from a company viewpoint so a leader can know which contact's information to review when monitoring their team's work. It's impossible to know what contacts are enrolled in a sequence by the company


Another vote for this feature!


Yes, that is such an importtant request!!