HubSpot Ideas


Re-arrange dependent fields

Currently there is no way to re-arrange the depenedent fields within the form. This makes it very tedious to edit forms after. The only way to move them is by deleting previous ones.


It should just have the same object orientated nature that is present in all of forms API.

ステータスに更新: In Beta
August 13, 2024 06:02 AM

Hi folks,


I’m Ian, the Product Manager for HubSpot’s Forms tool.


Thank you all for taking the time to submit, upvote, and comment on this Idea. We've added conditional logic to the new forms editor and you'll be delighted to hear you can easily re-arrange you fields. You can request to join the beta through Product Updates. 


ステータスに更新: Idea Submitted
August 13, 2024 06:01 AM

Hi folks,


I’m Ian, the Product Manager for HubSpot’s Forms tool.


Thank you all for taking the time to submit, upvote, and comment on this Idea. We've added conditional logic to the new forms editor and you'll be delighted to hear you can easily re-arrange you fields. You can request to join the beta through Product Updates. 


ステータスに更新: Being Reviewed
January 18, 2024 02:35 AM

Hi folks,


I’m Ian, the Product Manager for HubSpot’s Forms tool.


Thank you all for taking the time to submit, upvote, and comment on this Idea. We hear you loud and clear, and we agree that this functionality is important. We are currently evaluating how our team will implement this idea. If you're interested in participating in user testing, just reply to this thread. 


Any news about this feature request will be relayed on this thread, so stay tuned!



Just came across this issue and was just about to suggest the same.


+1 for this quality of life idea


I definitely agree with this! I am experiencing this issue right now, and it's frustrating that I need to delete all the above fields to reorder. I'd love a simple drag and drop feature like what is available for other form questions.

参加者 | Elite Partner

Please! I'm creating a form similar to IMPACT's contact form: with about 30+ dependent fields. I have to map everything out outside of HubSpot before I actually do anything because I won't be able to rearrange anything in the tool itself! Gah!


Yes...please add this functionality. I just encountered a scenario in which I need to add a new dependent field to 8 existing fields. I'd like the new field to display second but in order to do so, I'd have to delete 7 of the fields, enter the new one and then re-enter the 7 fields I just deleted. That doesn't make any sense. The rules are very complex so there's no way I'm doing that. I should be able to edit the field order as needed and not have to delete and re-enter to get the order I want.

HubSpot Employee

Agreed that this is a functionality that does cause a pain point with time. In the UI there is an ability to drag and drop for regular form fields as well as progressive form fields. It would show continuity to have the same ability for dependent rules even in the sidebar menu pictured here: drag and drop to reorderdrag and drop to reorder


Indeed, it would be so helpful if the dependent fields could be re-arranged. Thanks!


+1 this idea, how frustrating!


yes please!


Is this resolved yet? What a serious pain!


Totally voting for this feature. It would be pretty useful 🙂


From my side too. This would be really helpful, saving a lot of time


It would be good to be able to format the fields to look like the rest for the form rather than all the field just displayed one after another in a single column.

投稿者 | Diamond Partner

Please add this feature, forms are unrefined without it.


I agree! Dependent fields are a great feature, but you often have to add something in later. With this limitation you have to do the whole thing over!


I just encountered this myself, having realized after a few updates that I wanted to rearrange the order of the dependent fields. Come to find out it wasn't doable from a drag and drop or other orderly perspective, Support was able to refer me here.  Seeing this suggestion is going on 2 years old now, highly doubtful much traction will be made. Here's to designing outside of the design tool for now.

参加者 | Platinum Partner

Just wrote support about this and they directed me here. Please implement


Please add this!!! It's so time-consuming to update forms if new dependent fields need to be added... I shouldn't have to rebuild the entire form to add one field... 女性怒った


Dependent form fields should not only be able to be re-orded dynamically, but you should be able to design/arrange them just like the rest of the form.  How about putting dependent form fields in their own "queued progressive field" section and let them queue up the form in the layout they've been design in (i.e. rows, header text etc.) and then you can just select the logic of which fields are shown/hidden.


Exactly what geekbleek says: not only should you be able to reorder dependent fields, but you should be able to lay them out in columns, etc. like the rest of the fields on the form.


Do you have an estimate when would be implemented? This is a nice to have feature.