Currently there is no way to re-arrange the depenedent fields within the form. This makes it very tedious to edit forms after. The only way to move them is by deleting previous ones.
It should just have the same object orientated nature that is present in all of forms API.
We definitely need this! We have a client with a form that includes multiple dependent fields, and if we wish to shuffle the order it's frustrating we'd have to recreate it.
Yes please fix this, it should be drag and drop like everything else. I have 14 dependend fields and if I add one I have to delete everything and start over so that I can put it in the right order.
Same problem - dependent form fields should not only be able to be re-orded dynamically, should also be able to design/arrange them just like the rest of the form fields within the layout of the form.
I’m Ian, the Product Manager for HubSpot’s Forms tool.
Thank you all for taking the time to submit, upvote, and comment on this Idea. We hear you loud and clear, and we agree that this functionality is important. We are currently evaluating how our team will implement this idea. If you're interested in participating in user testing, just reply to this thread.
Any news about this feature request will be relayed on this thread, so stay tuned!