Currently there is no way to re-arrange the depenedent fields within the form. This makes it very tedious to edit forms after. The only way to move them is by deleting previous ones.
It should just have the same object orientated nature that is present in all of forms API.
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+1 as well! Really need this feature! Especially when you realize you need another dependent field later, this is really cumbersome to have to delete everythin to be able to add another one. I've run into this several times with many customers. Also would be nice to have dependent fields inside dependent fields but that's another issue linked here.
Also, just in case HubSpot ends up just updating dragging up and down, please add the functionality to customize the dependent field layout side by side as well. It is available for form fields but not for dependent fields
Honestly, The entire form builder can stand a refresh. There are threads about the date pickers being wonky, limited layout options and more powerful logic in general would be very helpful. This thread started in 2017 and has been in review since 2020! I hope there we get a significant improvement here soon. It's a highly visible client facing part of the system that hasn't gotten much love.
I'm so surprised this hasn't been fixed yet. This feels like a massive gap in the platforms capabilities, and it's clear it's been a request for 5 year. @HS can you get this fixed asap? It's creating way too much work for your customers.
Many dependencies and I need to add one to the second position in the order. What a PITA to not be able to update the order without basically recreating the entire control.
Commenting here to support this. I just made a list of dependent fields and realized I forgot to add one in the 3rd slot of 10. I know that's less than others so i can't imagine how annoying it would be to have a larger list!
Hubspot devs, please take note! Dependent fields should function like the rest of the fields in the form. Ability to reorder is something already built into many of Hubspot's features but it is needed here. Being able to change the layout is helpful too.
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