HubSpot Ideas


Quotes - Add Sections w/ Editable Titles and Sub-Totals

We would like the ability to add sections to quotes to break up different product types.  We have main components and sub components that are used with those and would like to break it up.  We also have miscellaneous charges that we would like to add to another section.


We would like the ability to name each section appropriately and also have it come through as a separate sub-total at the bottom (with the same name as described above).


We think many people would benefit from this so we would love to see it happen!

HubSpot Updates
Re: Quotes - Add Sections w/ Editable Titles and Sub-Totals
July 14, 2021 07:49 AM

@nwcarlson we're actually going to roll this out within the custom quotes beta, since those customization features will eventually become standard for all quotes. You should see the first versions of this in the beta in the next two months.

In Planning
December 03, 2020 08:55 AM

34 Replies

We would like the ability to edit stock text that is currently not a free text field.  


These Include:

"Products and Services"

"One-Time Subtotal"

"Recurring Subtotal"


This would be beneficial as we don't provide services typically and feel that "One-Time Subtotal" is awkward as all of our quotes are for one time.  Giving users the flexibility to edit these will make for a much better quoting experience.


Agree. It would be good to see the ability to have recurring product totals shown for multiple lengths of time on multiple quote lines and have the flexibility to show all of or any of the following lines



Line 1: Total Monthly $1000

Line 2: Total Annually $12000

Line 3: Total for Length of Contract (3 years) $36000


Would it be possible to add a line in quotes to indicate (before the final amount) the total amount (exclusive of VAT) ? 


Along those lines, we really need the quote total to be separate from the one time cost vs monthly recurring cost. By summing the one month and the upfront cost as the total, at first glance, it is giving the customer the false perception that both need to be paid up front.



We have now had to explain why the one time and monthly costs are summed to at least 7 prospects in the last 2 months, and none of them currently have signed yet. Even though we break down in the notes that the monthly recurring is separately charged and the one time is charged initially, the client's eyes go first to the sum of both, and that disparity in price from what was originally discussed gives the perception that we have added something extra. This makes me feel that in the conversation where we have to explain the quote, we have lost a bit of trust, and also is delaying signature. 


I agree. We hope to see more templates or something close to what we can do with excel - calculations, showing 1st payment made, when next payment is due etc.


Thank you.


Totally agree!

HubSpot Product Team


@ethankopit I've posted a new idea which hopefully is more clear about exactly what we need:



The ability to group line items into sections on Deals / Quotes.


If I use our company's use case as an example, we sell industrial products that go on conveyors. Each of our customers has many conveyors and they prefer a section per conveyor on our quotes.




Conveyor A

- Line item product 1

- Line item product 2

Conveyor B

- Line item product 3

- Line item product 4

- Line item product 5

Participant | Partner

Allow quotes to reflect an agreement where they clients for the first 3 months at one price, (foundational projects, for example) and then change for months 4 onward to another price (recurring services).


Right now, if we create 2 product lines for the above scenario, the quote totals both, as if both were due to be paid at the same time.

Top Contributor

Our Sales Team would love to use the HubSpot quotes tool, but currently, we are in desperate need to be able to list out itemized line items WITHOUT the unit price.


Our quotes list system components and a total price for the components. It would be great to have the ability to list out components individually without having to factor them into the grand total.


This way, we can list what is part of the main system as separate line items and quantities for each, and then a grand total. I would almost think of this as sub line items to the parent line item.


Parent Line Item - Grand Total

  Sub Line Item #1 - Total

  Sub Line Item #2 - Total

  Sub Line Item #3 - Total



Key Advisor | Diamond Partner

That would definitely be a good implementation


@ethankopit Do you have any sort of tentative time-table for a beta rollout?

HubSpot Product Team

@nwcarlson we're actually going to roll this out within the custom quotes beta, since those customization features will eventually become standard for all quotes. You should see the first versions of this in the beta in the next two months.


@ethankopit Re: "Jul 14, 2021 10:49 AM @nwcarlson we're actually going to roll this out within the custom quotes beta, since those customization features will eventually become standard for all quotes. You should see the first versions of this in the beta in the next two months.



Is this beta available or still pre-release? I don't see it anywhere obvious in my instance. Thank you.

Top Contributor | Partner

@ethankopit is there an estimated date of release of the custom quotes?


@ethankopit Hi Ethan, I am still not seeing the beta version with the subtotals. I can only see you can add one time the Subtotal. We would like the following since we are part of an international team:


- Line item 1

- Line item 2

- Subtotal



- Line item 1

- Line item 2

- Subtotal


- Total of subtotals


Is this possible in some way?


Our quotes often contain two main types of items, Professional Development and Publications. Our customers are used to seeing sub-totals within the quote for each of these. 


I am wondering if Hubspot has any updates as to when this is going to be implimented.
This would help our business immensely.
We are currently having to create multiple quotes for different services that we sell and then put them all together afterwords.


@ethankopit Any updates on this?