Currently there are not many options for customization of the Line items table in Quotes.
Please make Line Item Table subtext removable!!
At this time you can choose to display a line item property, and give the column a title. You CANNOT configure any more. The system auto-displays info in that column which auto-calculate on billing frequency and discount. This is not always needed and can be misleading.
It is particularly misleading and confusing when using multi-year billing frequencies.
Specific example and need:
Below is a screenshot with line items that have a 36-month billing frequency.
Under the Unit Price – We cannot remove the quantity for multi-year deals.
In the example from the screenshot below, the Unit Price should be "$24,000 / year" but states for "$24,000 / 3 years"
Under the Total – It restates billing term twice and cannot remove these. It shows "/ # Years" and then also “for # years”
In the example below, it already says "/ 3 years" and adds "for 3 years" below. This is redundant.
I agree that having the option to remove this additional text from the Unit and Total price column is important. This should also include removing the additional words "after xx% discount". These extra words ruins the formating of the quote and make the document much more difficult to read.
Please let me know if you are planning on make these fields more customisable.
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