HubSpot Ideas


Properties in creation forms depending on the team

Hi team, 

Currently, when creating a record (deal, contact, ticket, company) it is possible to set up which fields appear when users manually create contactscompaniesdealstickets, and custom objects in HubSpot. However, it is also necessary to make this more customizable by editing the properties avaliable in the creation forms according to the user's team. The only workaround would be to edit the available properties per team in the sidebar sections, but it would be helpful to be able to fill out the required information that, in a company with multiple areas, may vary according to the team creating the record. Thanks 



Oi equipe,

Atualmente, ao criar um registro (negócio, contato, ticket, empresa), é possível configurar quais campos aparecem quando os usuários criam manualmente contatos, empresas, negócios, tickets e objetos personalizados no HubSpot. No entanto, também é necessário tornar isso mais personalizável editando as propriedades disponíveis nos formulários de criação de acordo com a equipe do usuário. A única solução seria editar as propriedades disponíveis por equipe nas seções da barra lateral, mas seria útil poder preencher as informações necessárias que, em uma empresa com várias áreas, podem variar de acordo com a equipe do funcionário que cria o registro. Obrigada

4 Replies


I totally agree with this idea. For example, in my company we have to kind of customers : 

- real estate agent (selling homes)

- B2C customers (buying homes) 

The informations we need to collect on the contact creation form are very different upon the kind of customer. 


Big upvote on this one - I know we can create the specific views but we really need record creation customization by team


Big Upvote! 👍
In my case, I want different forms and properties for New-Business Deals and Existing-Business Deals


This is a must have feature to be honest its a reason to use salesforce instead as this is an out of the box feature and has been for many years.