HubSpot Ideas


Pro-rata calculations on Line Items

Hi. We have annual contract renewals and customers upgrade mid-year, with additional cost taking effect from the date of upgrade. In Line Items, we ideally need to be able to put in pro-rata number of days (let's day 93 days left to the main renewal) and users (currently paying for 3 users, want to add 2 more ) then HubSPot has fields for this data and can calculate:


Number of days x number of users  x annual fee. 


Right now, agents need to do this manually and it's a big issue, with risk of error also. 

Thanks for anything you can do on it. 

2 Replies

I'm a little surprised that Hubspot itself has the ability to charge its customers on a pro-rata basis however doesn't offer its clients the ability to offer a similar structure.


Hubspot should hide/delete the column labeled as Discount.
The basic functionality of discount doesn't work and gives a wrong impression when added manually, Rather than explaining the offering, we end up spending more time explaining the Hubspot Quote feature