HubSpot Ideas


Private Dashboards

It would be nice to have dashboard privacy settings so that only a few users are allowed to see certain dashboards. For instance, our executive and upper level management team would like to have a dashboard that only they can access. This is due to certain information that should only be known by them versus new hires. There is not a specific way to do this right 100%. It would be nice to have this functionality to protect our information.

Status aktualisiert zu: Delivered
May 27, 2020 03:37 PM

Hi All, Dashboard level permissions are available to all tiers

In Enterprise tiers, you have the ability to restrict specific users and teams to view or edit dashboards.

2 Kommentare


Status aktualisiert zu: Delivered

Hi All, Dashboard level permissions are available to all tiers

In Enterprise tiers, you have the ability to restrict specific users and teams to view or edit dashboards.