Thanks for following up @ErikaJ! Out of interest, would the "shareable" URL for the email work just as well? These can be accessed by folks who don't have a login for the portal and can be accessed by clicking the thumbnail of the email on the email details screen. They're usually on the domain name "". We're definitely not saying no to the idea of a PDF export, just trying to understand the limitations of the current features in-app. Thanks!
Hi @GAC! Thanks for reaching out with your feedback! While we don't have any concrete plans to introduce pdf export for the emails themselves just yet, I'd love to learn a little more about what the goal is with the pdf itself. Do you use that to share the email content/design with colleagues, or to "archive" a copy of all your emails locally? Any extra info you can share is super useful to myself and my team. Thanks!
Also need this feature to share a copy of the email as an attachment for visibility to my leadership team or partners (without emailing it or forwarding it)
It's really a shame that after all this time and so many requests, that Hubspot has not released this feature. It's so basic, yet so necessary. C'mon Hubspot we really need this!
Right now their are two work arounds I've found to do this. Send a preview of the email to your own inbox, and then go to print email, but save as pdf instead. Unfortunately this way you will usually have all the email recipient/sender info which you will have to crop.
The other way is to download a chrome extension like "Go Full Page" and take a screenshot of the entire email, then crop, then save as a pdf.
Pretty sad that HubSpot won't release this feature even though this thread is almost two years old with almost 100 replies asking for it. This is a basic feature that should have been provided out the gate.
YES! this is a very necessary addition. I need to have an archive of of our email campagns that can be printed / shared from our website. There are work arounds but they're clunky. I was using Send in Blue before and this feature was built in, a PDF could be downloaded once the email was sent.