HubSpot Ideas


Preserve source font when importing

It is a huge deal that HubSpot does not natively support Code formatting (yes, pre is an option, but not scalable) when copying and pasting or importing (Google Docs in beta). What's happening is author's source contains code in some monospaced font like Courier, and when that's either copied-and-pasted into HubSpot, or imported from a Google Doc (which does preserve the source fonts), those instances of monospaced font are blown away. This effectively means someone has to manually pick and highlight every. single. instance. of that code including in-line code/command and change the font. I cannot adequately describe how irritating this is or how much time this wastes.


Please, please fix this CMS so it recognizes and imports the correct font if nothing else.

1 Reply

we are thinking of dropping service pack and moving entire knowledge base to Pendo - these are examples of product not being fit for prupose - pretty big