Possibility to disable automatic association to deals
We have set up integration of Hubspot CRM with Gmail.
If one of my colleagues emails a contact, this email is automatically associated with the last X open deals where this contact is connected to.
For us this does not make sense at all. Let me give an example:
Company ABC has 10 deals running with us. 5 of those 10 deals are associated with contact Jeff.
If one of my colleagues now sends an email to Jeff about a warranty issue totally unrelated to any of these 10 or 5 deals Hubspot automatically associates this email with the last X open deals associated with Jeff.
I don't even see when this automatic association would make sense?
So I vote for have an option to disable this automatic deal association asap.
At this moment our CRM is a total mess because of this and that is the opposite of what I wanted to achieve with this CRM.
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I'm glad to be able to reach out today with an update that we will be ready soon to go to beta for this in Gmail. Thank you for all of your feedback and patience. Please fill out the form here to be included in the beta and I will reach out.
My apologies about the delay- I understand this is painful for our customers workflow. We have been working on this feature for Gmail and we are approaching beta soon in early Q2 if not sooner. I will post here when we are at that stage and in the meantime, I am happy to talk to anyone.
We are currently investigating a solution to this and I appreciate the solutions discussed in this thread. We understand this is causing a painful experience in the CRM and if anyone would like to chat with me about their use case, please send me a message and I will schedule some time.
Keep an eye out for further updates here as we investigate. Thank you!
This needs to be sorted ASAP. Our CRM is also a total mess because of this. OUr internal sales members and BDMS are getting VERY frustrated because of this. this needs to be a opt in pop up for each activity or something. THIS is causing total confusion on our deals. When you dealing with the project industry it is not common to have one person from a firm dealing with several different deals at the same time, as well as talking to several of your colleagues on unrelated issues.
PLEASE CAN WE HAVE SOME TRACTION ON THIS not a good upgrade Hubspot.
Looks like this has finally been done, there is a beta now around. Haven't seen an annoucment, though. Just asked to participate in the beta. See here:
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