HubSpot Ideas


Possibility of 1:1 or 1:M associations between all objects, including custom objects

It is possible to set one-to-many associations between standard objects (as described here), however that does not extend to custom objects. Currently it is only possible to create many-to-many relationships, which significantly reduces the usability and functionality of custom objects. 

As an example, we have added a custom object called Partner Agreements. We would like to associate that object to one company we share the agreement with, but a company should only be allowed to have one of these associations. 

8 Comentarios

This issue needs more visibility.  


The inability to control custom object association is a significant issue when building solutions in HubSpot.  The thread linked below hints at an API based workaround for forcing the cardinality of custom objects but the HubSpot UI doesn't fully support this causing the Add buttons still appear on the one_to_one side when a record is already set.


HubSpot Community - One-to-many custom object associations - HubSpot Community


Did HubSpot never think that there would be scenarios where its users would need to avoid M:M relationships?



Definitely - I believe Salesforce can do this.  Hubspot needs to as well.


The HubSpot UI needs to support 1:1 associations between custom objects and from custom objects to standard objects. 


Hello, we have the same exact need here. When trying to record contracts with customers there should be a 1:1 relationship for contract to companies, but a 1:M relationship for companies to contracts. 


I'd like to create a 1:1 Deal-to-Contact association. Right now, if a deal is associated to a company that has multiple contacts, all these contacts get automatically associated to said deal. This in turn messes up our reporting with the same deal amount being counted as many times as there are contacts, when it should only be counted once.


Bump - what is the point of association label cardinalities when you can't even edit them within Custome Objects? 


We would really benefit from this functionality too. Its the number one reason we're looking elsewhere. We'd love to be able to setup HubSpot to match out real-life business practices but currently it's not possible. Over time, this causes our data to be get messier and less reliable for reporting.


Agreed for this.  We need for example, for deals to have a primary contact.  We could solve this with a simple n:1, but unfortunately. Hubspot doesn't support the necessary data model constructs.