HubSpot Ideas


Please let us use custom shortlinks on scheduled posts

I have branded shortlinks via that I have used with multiple social media scheduling software options. For some reason, HubSpot doesn't do this - it transforms the link to a different shortlink whether my account is connected or not. I've gone through the steps of contacting support and they simply say I should suggest it here.
The value add for Hubspot?

  • Happy customers, not grumpy ones
    • Customer retention
    • Brand loyalty
  • We can use our custom bitlinks we've been using for years to keep our brands top of mind (not some random one that doesn't have anything to do with the topic)
  • We can continue tracking the custom bitlinks we have used for years, instead of losing that from switching to a new platform
  • Hubspot will have the same feature that Coschedule, hootsuite, buffer, and multiple other social media scheduling programs already have had for years.

Get on it, please! 🙂