Please give us back the Body column of the Tasks in the new Task interface
Today I tried the new beta interface for Task (the one will be forced to apply to all users by December 1, 2020) and I discovered a serious flaw.
As we all know, in the current view of the Task, there is a column called Body that the Task creator can note into.
The body column in current view of Task
In our company, we have a mandatory process for Sales to note the results when they complete a task (for example if the task is to call a customer, when they choose to complete the task, they are required to note the result in Task. The results may be that the client did not answer the call, or the customer want to called back at another time, or the customer answered the call and the content of the call...
Our managers will need to check if Sales have full notes on completed tasks or not. The body column in the current Task interface helps us check this quickly and easily, without having to click on each Task or each contact.
But in the new beta interface, the Body column is completely gone.
Here is no body
I checked in Edit Columns to see if it is hidden in there, but absolutely no Body column in Edit Columns
Where is my favorite Body Column???
I just hope the Body column will be back before the beta interface is applied to all users
on December 1, 2020.
Important: I said about note in Task, not Note. Note in Task (Example image)
Hi @woody - thanks for raising this! We've added the "Body" column back to Tasks.
Thank you,
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