HubSpot Ideas


Pipeline specific Default Deal Properties

Hello Team, 


Our use case:

We have various pipelines, for various sales cycles and sometimes various types of contacts or companies.

The Deal's information we need to access depend on the pipeline the deal is in. Since the "default deal properties" is made to display the "most important" information of a deal, we need this group of "most important" information to be pipeline specific.


Our suggestion:

To propose to create multiple "default deal properties", each one having a name. Then, admin should be able to decide to which pipeline to apply this "default deal properties". A "default deal properties" may be applied to one or more pipelines. It's ok to have a limit on the possible numbers of possible "default deal properties" if needed. 10 or 20 maximum would already be amazing.


Note: I've written the above with the understanding that "default deal properties" are controlling both the "about" section on the deal and the properties available when creating a new deal on the card that's opening on the right of the screen.




Actualizaciones de HubSpot
January 04, 2020 07:45 AM

Hi @VagaeNatus - thank you for your follow up here. 

This original idea contained 2 great feature improvements that are different segments of work for our teams and cannot be completed in tandem. Since we have delivered on one of the ideas, our community team has advised that we keep this idea marked as "delivered". 

However, since the other half of the suggestion is yet to be implemented (the ability to use different properties upon deal/ticket creation), I created another idea to track development. I've also set the idea to "In planning" as we are actively determining the best way to solve this problem and it is something we do plan to implement. 

Thank you for your continued feedback, I'm also looking forward to marking that idea delivered as well! 

- Dylan 

October 16, 2019 11:55 AM

Hi Tim, 


When combing through the thread, I did notice this to be about 30% of the case that was mentioned. Unfortunately, this is not part of the update I posted about above but it is firmly on our radar. 


We are beginning to kick off work on that front (creating deals) but I felt as if the majority of the asks here were around the data that displays on Deals. We're well aware of the case for conditional required properties based on a pipeline an object is created in and will update this thread (or another, if it pops up) once we have that in a beta! 

Thanks as always for your continued feedback on our product 


- Dylan


Estado actualizado a: Delivered
October 16, 2019 10:22 AM

Hi HubSpot Community,

Thank you for your continued feedback and input on the Community. I'm excited to update this post to "delivered", as of today we have introduced the ability to display conditional data on records into beta. Here is a knowledge doc that explains the capability.


In short, Professional users can now add customizable sections to their records; Enterprise users can customize what displays on records depending on the team a user is on or a property on the object (ex: pipeline). This update also comes jam-packed with property updates, such as the ability to delete or regroup HubSpot Default Properties. 


We'll have a more detailed product blog post coming soon, but I wanted to personally let all of you on the community know first!

If you're interested in using this functionality - navigate to "properties" within settings. If you are a Super Admin you will see a toggle in the bottom left hand corner that will allow you to unlock the new experience. We hope to make continued improvements to this experience before rolling it out more broadly as the defacto experience. 

As always, thank you for your continued feedback. Here on HubSpot Product we're always eager to improve your experience to help your business grow better! 


- Dylan Sellberg
Product Manager

June 13, 2019 07:42 AM

Hi HubSpot Community,

We really appreciate the continued feedback on this post. Allowing pipeline specific deal properties is certainly something we hope to look in to. However, at this stage the work has not been planned or scheduled. Please continue to provide examples and use-cases for this feature - it will help us build a better solution when the time comes. We'll update this post when we have further clarity on when we plan to build this functionality. 


- Dylan

October 21, 2018 04:54 PM

Hi HubSpot community - thank you all for providing your feedback on this issue. I'm a member of our Product team and I wanted to let you all know that this is something we are actively thinking about and hope to deliver soon! Please continue to provide examples and use-cases on this issue, I will provide an update once this functionality is closer to beta. 

97 Comentarios

Solving this problem will greatly enhance how Hubspot supports our busniness requirements. 

Just want to add on to the suggested solution that adding a system field i.e called "deal type" to the deal to control both which pipline the deal will be placed in and which and "deal properties" will be displayed. Companies with multiple deal types would then be able to have "Deal type" as a mandatory field, and the deal will be assosiated to the connected pipeline and properties. Also this feature could enable to have different sets of mandatory fields for different deal types. 


We really need the feature to customize deal properties according to the pipeline the deal is in. Due to lack of this function we couldn't migrate our system to HubSpot, which is very sad. Are you planning to make that possible in the near future?  


We would also like to have an option to see different deals properties under different pipelines.


I am voting for this as well. Not all deals will need the same properties. Each deal needs to have specific properties depending on the pipeline it is in.


This idea would allow us to work more effectively and spread the use of HubSpot across our organisation. When will it be implemented?



This feature would make having different pipelines a lot more effective. The important deal information is vastly different for our training clients versus our one-to-one consulting clients. This would be great to have the ability to set up the default properties for a pipeline when you create the pipeline.


A good way to do this might even be to link a pipeline to "deal property groups". We have a deal property group called Event Details for training which tracks critical info like training date, audience, location. We have a separate group for Consulting, that has information related to our consulting packages. 


Just a note to the HubSpot mods that this thread/idea should be combined with this one:


I'd love to see this happen! It would make HubSpot a lot more useful for our Sales team. Thanks!

Asesor destacado



For Hubspot Product team: to make this feature more flexible, you could design it conditional but not only to pipeline.


I see 2 options



1/ A setting at the field level...

2/ That says "Display this field in "about" section if"...

3/ Mutliple options to be able to write rules like "Pipeline = ABC" or "Property XYZ = TOP"



A new concept of "deal template", where for each Admin has to select which fields are displayed. But if you do so, we should be able to select from Deal create in Hubspot Workflow or in Zapier which "deal template" to use for the newly created deal. I believe this is close to how Salesforce manages multiple groups of fields for multiple types of deals.




Same her losing major funcionality of not being able to define my different data points that are dependant on what pipeline .. I'm using hubspot for my vendor and my corporate pipeline and just like I have completely different stages on sales cycle, then so is the info in either deal types


I cant see this being a big change needed to get it on the roadmap ?


Specific Deal properties for a pipeline is really what we need.

We sell consulting services and SaaS subscriptions. Both have there pipeline with 4-5 specific properties.

Now we have to include a kind of instruction in the property name (e.g. "Subscription date [License only]"), which ripples through all further usage (reporting, filters, ...) in hubspot. Also the "preview" and standard properties contain the union of all properties. This drops usability/UX and leads to errors and the need for data cleaning. So waste of expensive time.


This would be huge for our organization.  We sell two core products and they really need to have required fields so that we can track data correctly (and make sure our staff is imputting it as well!) Having a deal property field option like "n/a" as a current placeholder is just silly and bad practice. 


I would love dynamic fields function programmed into HubSpot where if a user selects a pipeline the fields for the 2nd pipeline are different from the 1st pipeline because, after a sale, client success has different requirements to create a deal. 




As the other contributors here, we also greatly benefit from different deal properties for different pipelines.


This is a must have. I have an inside sales pipeline, and online sales pipeline, and am using a third pipeline to track a business development activity that is not really a deal, but I need to track it at the company and contact level, have a dashboard, report on it, and have custom fields, so Deals is the only place to put this activity. Each of these three pipelines have different properities that a required and should allow for different displays.


This is a must for our business as well. We are pleased with HubSpot but this is presenting a major problem for our users and overall adoption. 


This is the single biggest frustration I have with HubSpot. There are very by the way. 


It is a challenge for me to have our sales team enter the correct information when many of the fields may be irrelevant. It is also more challenging to quickly scan for specific details while on a sales call. I could go on, but my fellow users have done a great job outlining the issue. 


As everyone, I really need this.


I am importing different business teams into Hubspot CRM to have the whole acquisition funnel and data in one place.

I would also like to say that, in addition to the pipeline, it would be great to also have default properties according to a team (or user).


Our company also greatly needs this.


Love this! Yes please, this would be perfect.




We have a few very different pipelines and need different property sets for each.