HubSpot Ideas


Payment Links + Inventory Products = Limit Payments Based on Inventory

Let us automatically enable and disable the payment link based on inventory levels. 


I run a podcast and want to have no more than five sponsors. If I were to do something crazy and put the payment link on a public facing page for people to click, I worry about all the what-ifs and not the thing that's more likely to happen.

What if 20 people click the link and I generate $60,000 in revenue? That's a lot of revenue. I'd probably have to start spending more on HubSpot. 😅 🤣


Okay all joking aside, what if I sell 6 or 7 of these? I don't want to over-sell my sponsorships—this isn't an airplane. 


Let's make it so products that are inventoried can have an inventory amount added to the platform so we can shut down sales when inventory dries up.


Or if you need to make it simpler, give me a way to set a "max active" subscriptions or something?



4 Replies

Absolutely love this idea! It's much needed. We sell event tickets, booths, and sponsorships. Very similar need. We need to limit these to specific amounts. Makes no sense for us to subscribe to shopify or something if HubSpot (almost) has the capability. They could simply add a "quantity available" property to inventory products. Each time that product is sold, deduct. Essentailly a calculation field. 


Yes, when I set the max quantity, I thought that was the total amount that we can sell. I just realized that isn't the case and am super worried about overselling and having upset customers. We really need a quantity available field please!!!


I have the same situation with limited sponsorships that I am trying to solve for and having this feature would be super helpful 


We desperately need to be able to manage inventory in Hubspot. We are currently paying a tonne for 3rd party workarounds for selling products. We manage everything else directly within hubspot.