Pause ticket timer when a ticket is waiting on customer
The ticket status can be 'open' or 'closed', making the timer run or stop.
I want to be able to pause the timer, the timer should then stop when a ticket is in a 'pause' status to rule out the time a ticket is waiting on the customer.
open > timer counts the time a ticket is open
pause > timer stops counting until the ticket is in open or closed
100% agree. We do a lot of waiting on the customer and being able to pause the timer when the ticket is in a "Pending"-type of status is critical in calculating time-to-close, and customer wait time vs agent wait time.
Muito necessária esta funcionalidade! O Atendimento ao Cliente possui métricas em torno ao SLA de Resolução, que infelizmente hoje para serem corretamente amostrada para os clientes se faz necessário adentrar chamado por chamado com o SLA de Resolução descumprido para validar a veracidade da informação.
Há previsibilidade de quando será incluída essa melhoria? Fará completa diferença para o escopo de Atendimento ao Cliente.
Is there any more specific timeline on this yet? The end of 2023 is closely approaching.
Customers oftentimes have an issue but take very long to get back to us with more details which we need to proceed. During that time, the SLA deadline approaches (or is sometimes even crossed). This does not reflect our timely working on matters, though but is caused from outside.
Well the bad news is I spoke to Hubspot support and this was the reply:
"Currently, we do not have any recent product updates on this topic. However, it is still a pending feature that is being reviewed." and this is after they told me in May this year that it was due for release this year.
TBH, Hubspot are driving people away from the platform - any decent ticket system has a "Pause" capability on the timer.
Thanks Hubspot for really listening to your customers!
That said, happy to inform you that the Product team (and the Product Manager in charge of this specific area in fact) has mentioned that they are aware of this specific request, and are currently in the works of scoping it for development as part of the push on improving Service Hub specifically for 2023
Me reading this in 2024 😭. Such a basic feature...
Unfortunately for Hubspot, we have made a call to move to a new ticketing platform, it's become an embarrassment to try explain to our customers that we can't pause the SLA clock. Even the most basic ticketing systems we are reviewing have pause capabilities.
We absolutely need this feature as well. Top management in my company are looking at response time KPIs, and the lack of a simple way for my team to pause the SLA clock in some cases is biasing the KPI values to the detriment of my team.
At the same time, I wanted to mention that we LOVE the Time to Next Response SLA - it allows us to track a critical aspect of Support work, and many ticketing systems do not have this option.
This is such an oversight by HubSpot. There are people crying out for this functionality. Even some people offering up a relatively simple workaround using custom fields with date stamps and a calculation field that recalculates your own actual open time. But this doesn't work for more than one "pause".
The way we use tickets in our business is for spoilage. these should take a maximum of 3 days internally. but we have many tickets that have been open for 60+ days due to customers taking forever to come back to us. You can imagine how messy this makes reporting and how massively it skews average open times.
HubSpot, please start looking at some of these feature requests based on their necessity and merit rather than just by how many upvotes they have. This has been open for almost 4 years!
This is crutial to us, as we often don't like to reply to auto replies or other times of messages, where the conversation could get weird if we always want to be the last replier.
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