HubSpot Ideas


Pause a Workflow

I would like the ability to pause a workflow, thus keeping all users at the step they are in, and then unpause it a few days later.  Adding delay steps will not accomplish the same thing.  For example, I want to pause a campaign during a holiday week, but start it again the following week without losing anyone.  There is no way to successfully do this with a delay step unless every user is at the same step - which obviously will never be the case. 

64 Comentários

Yes! We really need this. 


Being unable to pause a live nurture is a major flaw in Hubspot and makes the system look very out of date compared to similar tools on the market (Marketo...Eloqua etc). Why this issue has not been resolved since 2017 beggars belief. It's a necessity for all companies that wish to maximize awareness of press communications to both customers and prospects, notwithstanding there will be others that require it for crisis communications. The sooner Hubspot resolves this issue the better.  


Reminded again as we approach the holidays that we really, really need this.  Tomorrow is *just* a Thursday in HubSpot but it's also THANKSGIVING!! 


I was on vacation 2 weeks ago for 2 days and am just now getting caught up from all the tasks I missed. Can't wait to try and squeeze in a little work during the Thanksgiving holiday just so I'm not completely overwhelmed when I return on Monday....yippee!


We need a pause/resume workflow feature so we can pause workflows (for over holiday breaks when we know people aren't looking at emails) and then resume when people return to office so they pick up where they were in the workflows!

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We definitely need this. We are about to shut down for three weeks for the Christmas and New Year period. We want people to resume the workflow where they were!

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Why, Why, WHY HubSpot? Why do you leave these basic gaps in your system?! I thought I was being dumb and missing some sort of easy way to do this 😞

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This is far from a perfect solution, but thought I'd share what I came up with to pause our emails over the holiday period.


It's a bit of work, but does achieve the pausing emails without skipping any steps so long as:

- you have each step setup as a separate workflow

- you don't have too many steps in your nurture flow (it'd be time consuming if you do)


Hope it's helpful for someone!


Yes please. This is a much needed feature. Can HubSpot add to roadmap?




I agree. This would be very helpful. Not only to "pause" an entire workflow, but also for a single contact.


Use case: We have a drip email workflow designed to onboard new customers over several months. Many of these customers are set up for monthly payments. If a customer's CC fails for one of these payments in the middle of the workflow, my only option is to unenroll (either manually or automatically). 


I would like the option to "pause" a workflow for a particular user when this occurs, so that it can be restarted at the same place once they resubscribe. 


@hubspot - Any updates on this?

Alunos da HubSpot

Hi folks!


Thank you all for taking the time to submit, upvote, and comment on this Idea. We hear you loud and clear, and we agree that this functionality is important. We are currently evaluating if this idea is feasible and, if so, how our team will implement it


While we cannot currently provide a timeline, any developments will be communicated right here on this thread.


Ideas Forum Manager

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The COVID-19 crisis is showing why a PAUSE (not turn off) is needed for workflows (could have 1 master pause and ability to pause and unpause per workflow). That great nurture campaign...maybe not so appropriate during this pandemic. 


this would definitely be very very useful!


Hubspot - are you listening? There have been multiple responses to this clarifying it is a fundamental flaw in your system. Can someone from your development team confirm if anything is going to be done and if so....WHEN?


@JoeMayall - Another flurry from the users about the importance of this feature and our own internal issues popping up and reminding of us of how our hack around Black Friday/Cyber Monday has completely failed. Surely there has been conversations with the product teams about this in the past month? Surely there is some direction planned and resources being allocated right?!?? ... ... ... right?


Hubspot may forever be known as a really good platform that always seemed to fail at becoming great.


This would be a big help in (corona) times like these.
A lot of countries in Europe are in lockdown and a lot of shops are prohibited by law to open their doors.
Our (potential) customers are local shops. We use workflows for nurturing, onboarding, activation, ...
It is really annoying that we can't pause the workflows and resume as we were after this period.

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Solicit more support

Write to your CSMs!

Share with you HUGs!

Status atualizado para: Being Reviewed
Equipe de Produto da HubSpot

Hi everyone,


I’m Megan, a Product Manager for the Automation team. I’d like to thank you all for taking the time to submit, upvote, and comment on this Idea. I wanted to give an update on this feature request, given the gravity of the current COVID-19 situation, and how it's impacting your business.


To be transparent, this “Pause” workflow feature won’t be delivered in the immediate future, as other highly-requested features have been ahead of it on our roadmap. Given the current situation though, we would like to dig into the problems outlined here a bit deeper, as we need more information to determine the best solution. When we’ve researched this request in the past, we’ve found a wide variation in needs, and haven’t been able to find the right solution to meet the majority of those needs.


Some of the comments above mention delay centered challenges, and there have been changes to delay behavior that can be impactful in some of the scenarios outlined here. For example, in our upgraded contact workflows, editing the length of a delay will automatically update that delay time for all contacts already active in the workflow (this now matches the behavior of the other workflow types). Read more about the impact of editing a delay here.


And there are a few things currently on the roadmap that may help some of the problems here like:

  • Wait until actions: Utilizing event delays to trigger actions in workflows. This way workflows aren’t solely reliant on arbitrary time delays and can be driven by customer behavior.
  • Improving time-based delays: Adding more options to time delays for more precise control.
  • Delay visibility: Seeing the objects (e.g. contact, company, deal, ticket, or quote) currently waiting in a workflow delay.


Otherwise, to make progress on evaluating this request, we request your help. What we need from you: If you have a minute, please fill out this form to provide additional feedback about the pause feature and your needs.


Thanks again for your time, I hope you and your families are safe and healthy.



This is more important now than ever with the current global climate. We have numerous marketing workflows for 20+ clients that need to be paused until COVID-19 is over. This is a huge hole in the product, and for the sake of your clients should be a top priority item right now.


This is so necessary right now during the pandemic. Adding time delays will take forever for large clients. I don't even use the workflow tool because of this issue, frankly. Or, I use it just barely. MOVE THIS UP! Thank you.