HubSpot Ideas


Parent Child

great to see parent Child BUT you only see all the connected companies when you are in the parent.

So it would be great to perhaps have sibling/related so that when you are in the child company you can not only see who the parent is but also the related companies!

1 Reply

Hi @RVaughan , 


Your suggestion makes a lot sense. With larger companies which have many layers of related companies you ideally need a full visual of all the connections. 


We really wanted this so we built it into our HubSpot account in 2017, as an internal solution. Fast forward to today and it's now in our Certified HubSpot App (OrgChartHub), as an individual feature called account mapping.


Move style release and short demo below: 




Short demo: 


The account mapping does come with our paid plans, however if you would like to test it out then just drop me a message and we can give you a free trial period.


All the best, 


Dan Currin 



OrgChartHub Ltd 



OrgChartHub & GeoMapper named in the Top 30 HubSpot Apps 
