HubSpot Ideas


Parent-Child hierarchy feature for campaigns

We'd like to be able to track and report on a group of related campaigns in a parent-child hierarchial way. For example, this can be done in Salesforce. See here: 


This is a great idea!


This should be out of the box functionality since HS has been promoting how smoothly they "integrate" with SF. 


Yes, we absolutely need this feature! Check out my last post asking about this feature. As I continue to set up campaigns, I am realizing that some campaigns are recurrent in nature and having to create a new campaign every month with almost the same content is just making my Campaigns page look cluttered, and I would like to an hierarchial system of set up. 


Yes Please - we need this feature. 


Being able to see the relationship of those campaigns agaisnt each other, being able to see those metrics, and being able to see a consolidated larger picture of this Campaign vs the other independent campaigns are all the insights that I would like to see and be able to determine what's working and what's not. 


Please implement this feature.

It would really help us in better performance tracking and asset structuring.


Hi, Yes we need this feature also. 


Yes, I couldn't agree more. I'm having a difficult time deciding how I want to use Campaigns in HubSpot. I can create them at a Macro level and have a campaign that includes a set of initiatives, like PPC, Paid Social, display ads, etc centered around a theme or particular offer. Or I can do it at a micro level with a campaign for each of those initiatives. Ideally, there would be hierarchies of campaigns. I would want to do reporting at any level of a hierarchy too.

How are people using campaigns today - Macro level or micro?


Yes I agree.


I would love to be able to create a central campaign and then secondary campaigns that get more detailed but are associated with the central campaign. We used to be able to do this when we used ClickDimensions, but are unable to in Hubspot which I find very limiting. 



I apparently can't give kudos for this, but yes please! This is something that would be very helpful to my team as we start organizing our content into campaigns and analyzing data on more than just a per-campaign level. 


This is a GREAT idea! We have many "subtopics" for our primary solutions and being able to like the camapigns as parent-child would help give us a better less segregated view of how our different campigns perform. 


Our company is moving towards closer integrations with Salesforce and am surprised this is not already possible. We would benefit a lot from having this capability and would let us stay much more organized moving forward. Please make this a reality, HubSpot!!

投稿者 | Gold Partner

That would be very helpful to organize campaigns better!


This feature would make us a very happy customer.

参加者 | Solutions Partner

Essential feature for keeping HubSpot customers who integrate w SFDC happy. The lure of Pardot is constant!


Any news about this idea? I send quartely newsletter and would like to have a Master "2018 Newsletters" campaign with each Child Newsletter campaign associated.


Our company desperately needs this feature and since we use Salesforce extensively, we are considering moving off of Hubspot just because the attribution features of campaigns are so sparce. I love Hubspot and hope you all prioritize this feture! 


Hi All,


I've been tasked with cleaning up our campaigns in hubspot and it seemed odd that there was not an option to arange campaigns in a parent->child relationship, or with tags.


Being able to do the following would add alot of value to the tool:


  1. Events
    1. Vegas 2019
    2. Chicago 2019
    3. etc
  2. Paid Ads
    1. Adwords
    2. Social
    3. etc
  3. Direct Marketing
    1. Mailers
    2. Catalogs
    3. etc


This would allow you to view a pillar of marketing at a glance and drill into each for more information. 



HubSpot Employee

This is a great idea --- also I would like general status updates such as below:

-to do

-in progress




It would make it easier to track and categorize campaigns!


Please add this functionality. SFDC and MS Dynamics both support this. It makes tracking performance a LOT easier.


Both of these suggestions are excellent and would really help keep things organized. I've worked with other platforms that had these functions and it made my job much easier.