HubSpot Ideas


Order Conditional/Dependent properties

Hi team, quite simple request:


As an admin I would like to be able to sort in which order dependent properties are shown.


Current situation: We use a multi select property so users can choose what kind of tasks should be created on their ticket to organise themselves. For each task selected a follow up questions is configured as dependent properties. But these properties show up in a random order. It's every time the same order, but I don't see which rule that follows - it's not alphabetical, it's not the display order of the controlling property and it's also not the order how you selected the options. So for example:

  1. Controlling Property: Task selection
    • Option 1: Task 1
    • Option 2: Task 2
    • Option 3: Task 3
  2. Dependent properties:
    • Task 1 -> What do you need to do in Task 1?
    • Task 2 -> What do you need to do in Task 2?
    • Task 3 -> What do you need to do in Task 3?
  3. What is displayed, when I select all 3 options?
    • What do you need to do in Task 2?
    • What do you need to do in Task 3?
    • What do you need to do in Task 1?

See attached Screenshot on how it looks like currently for us - the order of the controlling values is different to the order of the dependent properties.


Goal: One of these two options should be possible:

A: Let me choose the order of the dependent properties directly (This might be tricky, as the setup for dependent properties of the same controlling property is seperated)

B: Show the dependent properties in the order of the display order of the controlling property (This way an admin can controll it by adjusting the order in the controlling property).


Thank you!


Dependent Properties order.png

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