HubSpot Ideas


Option to automatically add a product to a deal with workflows

Hi team,


It would be great to be able to automatically add certain Products to Deals within Workflows. For example, if a customer comes in via a certain source and all of the customers from that source are purchasing Product A, all the Deals could then be automatically updated to have that product associated with them.


This would reduce friction for sales teams and allow more seamless Deal creation - the teams wouldn't have to go back and add Products later. Thank you!

188 Replies

Real pain that Hubspot does not manage PRODUCTS like the other objects, so we cannot have the related automated dashboards available, and plan our marketing campaigns also according to the product criteria!

For us it is a deal breaker!

When we import a transaction (not always manually created based on a standard sales funnel when your business is more B2C), we need to SEEMLESSLY associate those with CONTACTS and PRODUCTS.

as of today:

- association with CONTACTS is manual (export, Vlookup in excel, then reimport) time consuming and can cause mistakes

- association with PRODUCTS is simply not POSSIBLE! My customer buy Trainign A, and I cannot have that in Hubspot, can you believe it in 2021 seriously?

Member | Diamond Partner

100%! We are working on some migrations and it is a really important gap that makes us have to create an App and do it through API. Adding the option of add line items to deals using workflows would be amazing!



Yes please.


I have recently started to use Hubspot and in my company, all deals are added as line products. So I cannot make a list according to the packages we offer since we cannot move line items to prospects. I see that this topic rolling on since 2018. I am not an expert but this feature shouldn't be hard to accomplish for HubSpot. It is a shame to not having actually. What a pity!

Member | Gold Partner

This would be particularly useful for businesses that have a large range of products that are supplied as part of an installation of the 'master' product.

eg. Master Product 1 contains line-items, some of which have a quantity of 10 or more. Very time consuming and virutally unuseable at the moment with this scenario.


The lack of this feature is causing our company to look into Salesforce. I've worked in numerous CRMs and this is a must-have if HubSpot wants to be a true CRM. 

Contributor | Diamond Partner

Needed, so following to be kept up to date on when this feature might be released. 


In lieu of Hubspot addressing this issue, I used Zapier to create an automation to automatically add/associate line items to renewal deals based on recurring line items in the initial deal.  We don't have a lot of products, so this was pretty simple to do.  Like everyone else has already said, this really needs to be doable in Hubspot .


Yes yes yes

Contributor | Platinum Partner

Much needed! We need to have the ability to tie a product to a deal automatically via workflows.

Member | Partner

Required. Please provide an update. This is a basic miss that we've all lived without for some time now.

Top Contributor

WE need this!


We need this too. Our organisation chose Hubspot to handle mass deals with a very small team. We just don't have the resource to add products manually. Not only do we need the function to add products when creating the deal record in a workflow (as described by Meghan fro hubspot in the replies), we also now need to create workflows to add products to current deal records en masse. These complex workflows were the reason we invested in a crm transition. It seems they aren't complex enough.


Hi @lalexander @ethankopit
You may want to have a look at this idea to support this plan. Thanks for your consideration.


This would definitely be extremely useful


Has this been closed yet? In March the dev team was working on making this happen through Create Record - what's the latest?


I feel like this is entwined with the inability to analyse data in Deals based on line items, which is a big hindrance:


Hi Kastraver, 
HubSpot still doesn't have the functionality to copy products from one deal to another deal. The Product and Quotes object table isn't available as an association to the Deal object table. I've spent hours trying to figure out a work-around for this, but I still haven't. Really, if HubSpot wants to be a full service CRM, the product database needs to be linked to the other object tables.


Hi all,


I have a solution to copy the value from properties in Object Product to properties in Object Deal in Hubspot. My solution requires Zapier to connect with Hubspot.


Contact me via message <> then I will show you how.


We would greatly benefit from this ability. I would like to create a contact field for forms including product numbers, and based on the selection automatically add those line items to the deal we will be creating via workflow. 


@MeganLegge @ethankopit 


Hi is there anything further on this issue of adding Line Items to Deals in bulk editing or through automations?


I've been watching the boards for months now hoping to see something come through.

This seems to be a very popular request and yet does not seem to be progressing?


Adding Line items manually to each individual Deal is proving very restrictive and I'm surprised that we still don't have any way to speed that up.