I create a task titled "Call Customer A". The AI automatically changes it to a Call task.
When I use the task queue (which is always from my laptop) and this task comes up, it has a pop-up window prompting me to enter my phone number as it will "Automatically log calls with HubSpot, Record calls straight to your CRM so you can keep all your conversations in one place." I make calls on my mobile and do not want to call through my laptop. I need to close this reminder with every call task.
Or I when I create the task titled "Call Customer A" and it automatically changes it to a call task I need to click the drop-down and change it back to a task. But then I need to manually add the call when I run through the queue. Now taking 2 clicks extra for each call task. Plus when I come to the task, I need to manually open the "Log Call"
I registered my cell number to see if that would help. And now a pop up comes up wanting to call through my laptop. I can not log any data about the call and need to close the window and add it manually again. This requires 3 mouse clicks foreach call task.
I know I can add my number, I see this pop-up hundreds of times per week. Give me a checkbox to opt-out from seeing this message!!!
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Hi @Nebcallahan! Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us. This is an incredible amount of friction that we certainly did not intend to add to the process for users not using our Calling feature. We have added some functionality to remember if you've dismissed the Call communicator to keep it from repeatedly opening unless you deliberately select it. Now when working through a Task Queue, you can choose which activity type is most relevant to your workflow and open a Task, Log Activity, use an integration, etc. rather than us assuming you want to use the native Calling feature.
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