HubSpot Ideas


Only log emails to EXISTING CRM contacts!!

We have the outlook sidekick plugin on our email accounts, which logs emails and gives you a nice sidebar for more contact details. - Which is great for our actual customer contacts.


However, this plugin is currently adding absolutely everyone to our CRM automatically, so I've got a list of emails with no other data, and some contacts are irrelevant and not necessary for our CRM. 


PLEASE can you make an option, that only LOGS Emails to existing CRM contacts. And if a contact is not in the CRM, it should pop up and say - "This contact is not in CRM do you what to add this contact" Y/N.


This way - I won't end up having a list as long as my arm, of half filled out contacts from my team. 🙂 


Thank you








HubSpot Updates
April 08, 2019 07:24 AM

Thanks for posting, @AlissaS! I agree, this can be a pretty painful experience. We don't currently have a solution for it, but we're hoping that we can make some big improvements to this in the future. Looking forward to more feedback/upvotes on this post. Thanks Smiley Happy

198 Replies
HubSpot Product Team

Currently we show two different terms: tag & topic, when relating to blogs. The naming convention should be the same. Either we use topics or tags. In the app, we use tags in the blog dashboard. In the RSS feed URL and when viewing a 'tag' URL, the URL contains 'topic'. 


Here is an example:


blog tag topic naming convention.PNGMy suggestion is to decide on using one term or the other. Thanks for your consideration!


I find the Follow feature a useful function but struggle to keep up with and remember each deal I am following. 


For example, if I Follow a deal, I want to make sure that deal is moving forward to close.  If the deal goes "cold", then there are not any updates sent via the Follow function.  


If I could sort by deals/contacts/companies being followed, or have feed/consolidated view of everything I am "following", that will help me better manage my and my employees pipelines.


You provide a lot of features for drilling down into converastion inboxes, but there is no way to get a unified view of messages across all converation inboxes.


We have multiple conversation inboxes in my organization. Some of them I have shared responsibility for, and others are just on me to check and reply to.

As the system currently stands there is no way for me to see all messages in one view. Instead I have to drill down into the individual inboxes to check if there are any messages waiting to be handled. This is error prone and bound to messages being left longer than they should.  What makes matters worse is that there is no visual indication anywhere whether a message contains new or unhandled messages at all!


Therefore: I am proposing that you have an "All inboxes" view, just like you have a view to see all contacts, or all deals. It's then up to me to filter it down to either an indidividual inbox, or the set of inboxes I care about.




One issue we have is we like to get the email notifications for various tasks, but it feels redundant on step 1 since task 1 is always immediate.


We had two ideas on how to handle this ...


1) delete step 1 from the sequence since it's something that should be known anway. This didn't work since you can't delay the first step. Being able to delay the first step would allow the team to take that intuitive first step at the time of enrolling customer in the sequence.


2) send notifications for only follow-up tasks that aren't automated - there shouldn't be a notification email sent for something that is an immediate follow up.


It is very unfortunate that we can't find companies without tasks. As we have thousand and thousand of companies on our Hubspot, I'm very surprised you can't find the one without any follow-up, and therefore loose track of some potential client.


We know Sales are note always rigourus. It will be a very important feature te developp I Think. Léa.

Member | Partner

Please can a feature be added so that more fields can be put on the contact preview on the right hand side of the company page?

At the moment it is only possible to see the phone number, but it would be great to add other fields so that reps can immediately see other information without clicking the contact preview or clicking through to the contact record. Contact Preview.png

HubSpot Employee

Would like to see the following included in the Marketing Social posting tool 


1) Each tweet will include fixed hashtags that we entered somewhere in HS. Similar to the use of snippets/templates. 


2) Hashtags are dynamically pulled out of the content that we are tweeting about. 


- Posted on behalf of Roman Garbar

Top Contributor

I think non-sales pro super admins should be allowed access to sequences for building and setting up purposes, instead restrict the ability to enroll contacts onto sequences. (So someone can't set everyone to super admin and use the paid tool)


Every time I help a sales pro member with a sequence, I need to gain access to their account for the purposes of setting things up, which seems silly and less secure.

Not applicable

More and more prospects/customers wish to communicate via text message. It would be ideal for the mobile app to log an activity type TEXT when a text is sent to a contact from within the mobile app. This would also ideally update the downstream properties like last contacted.


Going a step further, it would be ideal to allow a subscription (additional fee) for SMS messaging from within the CRM in the form of a chat window that logs the communication to CRM as TEXT activity type.

Contributor | Elite Partner
Contributor | Elite Partner

Two features we think groups need to be great…


  1. Allow a user to belong to multiple groups. Use cases: A marketing manager who also needs to see private sales reports or a project manager who needs to view activities accross teams. 
  2. Groups to assing Hubspot user permissions. Use case: We have over 40 people in our HS portal and we want to change Husbpot Permissions for an entire team when needed, not one by one. Also, when a new employee comes into de company, I don't have to think about his/her permissions. I just assing him/her to a group and we are ready to go 🙂

Checkout how does it…



Agreed, you should be able to change whether or not you want that information automatically associated with a deal. 


Since Google+ is going away soon, is there a plan to globally remove Google+ social media links from landing/web page and email templates? My org has a ton of templates with Google+ still on them, so I'm hoping HubSpot will delete Google+ integration entirely to save time. Thank you!


When more than one person is editing an email, blog or landing page at the same time, it would be helpful to have the option to grant one user editing priority. Otherwise, the second person to enter the document finds their changes aren't saved and has to leave the document. When I am editing something my assistant set up, I would like to have editing priority.


One of the features I miss from Calendly was the ability to block out a certain date on a certain calendar. Right now, with Meetings, the only way to do this is create an all day event on Google Calendar or Outlook 365. It would be nice to be able to do this in Meetings.


For example, if I wanted to be unavailable on June 21 for a single calendar (I have several), I can't block the date for JUST that one calendar. I can only block it all for all calendars and only by doing so on my Google Calendar (or Outlook). 




I have a Shopify store and it is connected with my Hubspot. When clients make orders in the Store, all the information does not come in to Hubspot.

The contact was created with the deal. But there is no address information and no phone number.


Does anyone know how to solve this issue?




We are a Saas company that is working to create our Knowledge Base. We would love to house it in HubSpot since we use the CRM and now Service hub. 


The goal is to have a knowledge base that only our customers can easily access, but no one else can (mostly competitors). While the login idea is great, we don't want to make our customers log in to our app - then have to log in again to see the knowledge base. 

We would only have our knowledge base link inside our app, not on our website.


It would be great if the knowledge base had an area where you could either add the tag yourself in the <head> tag (kind of like how you can in landing pages) OR just have a button that says No follow and the system automatically adds the tag to the header for you. 
Upvote if you agree!



I'm in a situation where I want to use a if/then branch to decide next step based on if a value in a property (in this case Amount) is higher then current value.


Right now I can only put in a manual value but I can see great usecases allowing us to chose from all current properties in these cases. 



The Order amount last time was 100 USD, the order amount of the just received order was 150USD. That is higher then the current amount and means it is an upgrade and not recurring... 


Please make the folders that hold Templates private, if the user clicks a button. We have some emails that we don't want all team members to see.


I was previously using HS and needed to renew my certifications. The panel for accessing the courses has been drastically changed and is no longer user-friendly. 

I get kicked between 3 pages and there is no clear way to enroll in a course. A simple "Enroll" button under each course description (on 1 page, not 3) seems to be a no-brainer. 

The Academy landing page is ridiculous. There's no direct navigation to access a view of just your own enrolled courses. I started each course in separate tabs, refreshed my account several times, and none of them showed up on my account. Shouldn't that have registered asan "In progress" course - somewhere?????

After reading the more recent bad reviews of HS online, I have now deleted my account, and will not recommend HS to my clients. The fact that HS has now become a magnet for Upwork, says it all. 

Ironic - HS failed at their own marketing platform. 


1)What is your current goal and what is the roadblock that is stopping you from carrying it out?

I am trying to increase my connected rate when calling clients. It would be great to know when its the best time for me and my team to call the clients because this might differ by country, sector, client size etc. 


2) What is your proposed solution and how would it add value to the tool?

Chart: y-axis: connected calls as a percentage of calls I made; x-axis: time of the day.


3) Do you have any examples of other software apps that have this functionality?

I don't know.


4) What package are you currently on?

I have a sales account.