HubSpot Ideas


Only associate emails to primary companies and deals and disregard who's in copy

In today's world, many layers of hierarchy might be needed to get involved or cc'ed into a single thread.


When using Associations correctly, a contact (for example a SVP Revenue) of a parent company will have an association to the primary company: the parent company and a secondary association to the child companies.


Here is an example:

Parent company Acme Inc. 

SVP Revenue of Acme Inc. is Paul Winter

1st Child company Acme Inc. Mexico

Sales Director at Acme Inc. Mexico is Jorge Spring

2nd Child company Acme GmbH. Germany

Sales Director at Amce GmbH. Germany is Georg Summers


Paul Winter's primary company is Amce Inc. and his secondary companies are Acme Inc. Mexico and Acme GmbH. Germany.


Every single time that I email Paul Winter (either in cc or directly) my emails get associated with all 3 companies.


If Paul Winter is involved in a Deal (or all 3 Deals), then my emails get associated with all deals too.


This means that if I email Georg Summers about Acme Inc. Mexico and cc Paul Winter, my email will be associated with all 3 companies.


This is very confusing as another member of my team will open the Company page of Acme GmbH. and have to screen through the emails that are not relevant to this company at all first.


TLDR: Only associate emails to primary companies and deals and disregard who's in copy