Hello HubSpot community! Currently we provide phone numbers in the US, UK and Canada but we have plans to offer numbers in many more countries. We don't have a timetable but it is something we are actively working on.
Use this post to let us know where you need numbers and we'll keep you updated on our progress.
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We are now in private beta with number acquistion for six additional countries.
Nordics = Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland
For more information on the private beta, view the product announcement under Product Updates in your HubSpot account. The announcement has instructions on how to access the private beta form.
Click yourprofile picturein the top right corner, then clickProduct updates.
Click thetabsin the left sidebar menu and select "in beta."
Under "In Beta" type in "International Numbers."
Click on the beta title and READ the product announcement for all details and to access the beta form.
We will continue to add updates here on additional countries as we make progress on this current launch. Thank you!
We just released the next phase of International Phone Numbers. Now, phone number acquisition is available for Germany, Brazil, Austria, Switzerland, New Zealand, Mexico, and Colombia. You can submit business documentation for these regions, and acquire a HubSpot phone number that can be used for inbound and outbound calling.
We started the work on international phone number acquisition. You can now acquire a phone number from the US, UK, Canada, Australia, Finland, and Netherlands.
We are continuing plans to expand numbers in more countries. We do not have a timetable for release for each country, but it is actively being worked on.
Continue to use this community post to let us know what countries you need numbers, and we will keep you updated on our progress and beta opportunities.
Norway, Denmark, Romania, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania - we are a company with $300M in annual sales and insit on these numbers being included into the plan before the end of 2022.
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