Strongly agree with this. Tagging each other when a task is completed is quite manual. An automated process where completed tasks send notifications to the person creating the tasks would be a huge help.
We work around this huge design flaw by assigning the tasks back and forth then commenting "done" and tagging the people who assigned the task originally. It's a mess and a waste of time but it works.
This is definitely a feature the system needs. When you assign a task, it would be great to see it's ticked off, there's no time to check in most days.
I agree! I must filter through tasks and read every task history when checking for completed work/next steps. In addition to the task owner being notified, it would be great if a subtask/secondary task could be applied. For example, another user will get a second task once the first task is complete.
Holy cow... this is honesly still an open request for 5+ years!? I was just about to submit this request and found this thread. I've only been in Hubspot for a few months, but thought I was missing some obvious functionality until I realized this actually wasn't possible. The inability to assign tasks and notify the original creator is a major miss. What's being done about this?
This is a function that needs to be added. This is leading to delays in deals for us because someone might not realize a task is completed and does not move the deal along. We really need the task owner to be notified when ever a task they assigned is completed. It would speed up our process.
Please implement this... it is a basic feature in any other task solution and would be extremely helpful to ensure things are getting done without having to check over and over again.
My company uses the Task function in HubSpot as the official tool to create and assign tasks to other individuals within the organization. One very important part of this will be receiving a notification when a task a person creates for another team member is completed.
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