For anyone following this feature request, please UPVOTE in addition to adding your comments. Upvotes matter.
It's 2024. For (forward-thinking) SaaS platforms, a dark mode is table stakes these days. I'm shocked HubSpot has not released this yet, considering how much forward-thinking their Product team has demonstrated in other areas of the platform.
My team started using HubSpot in October. They are BEGGING for a dark mode. Its killing everyones eyes. Please HubSpot listen to your users! I've seen this posted going back to 2019. Now a days Dark/Gray Mode are a MUST. It's on phones and computer apps everywhere. We NEED this! #savemyeyesight #brightscreenssuck 😎😎😫🙏👀
Please PLEASE add a dark mode. I have dark mode active in literally everything else I use and then I click on my HubSpot tab and feel like temporarily go blind for a moment every time.
Yes, it is unbelievable that there is no dark mode available that adjusts to the OS settings. As someone who works also in the evenings and has a visual impairment, it is really straining on the eyes to work on screens without dark mode. When I switch to the Hubspot CRM Dashboard, it is too bright and causes much discomfort. This feature doesn't even seem like a big ask. As a visually impaired individual, I feel discriminated against as there is no option to adapt the UI to individual needs.
Hi Team! Submitting feedback on a user's behalf! Is there any update on this matter? It would be really helpful for users that spend a lot of time logged into the platform. Thanks!
Veo que ya se ha pedido hace mucho tiempo el modo oscuro y no se logró resultado...dejo este comentario en apoyo a esta idea ya que nuestros 👀👁 se lo agradecerán
After @MLiberato raised this issue to dev a couple of weeks ago, many others have joined the request since then, is there any progress or outlook you can share?
Again it's discriminating for people with visual impairment or low vision capabilities to work with your tool. I mean we are not even talking about a barrier-free platform, just a dark mode.
Could a dark mode (night mode) be added as a preference or viewing option for the Hubspot web portal (UI)? It would be lifesaving for my eyes, and I'm sure many others would also appreciate this feature.
I just spoke to an agent via chat, and also found this old article here in the ideas forum from 2018, and it appears that dark mode isn't something that is actively available or supported.