HubSpot Ideas


Need to bulk associate Activities with a Deal

Most all other CRMs have the ability to bulk associate, or edit, Activities with a specific Deal. So if I want to go back and link emails, calls, tasks, etc., to a specific deal I currently have to do it on a one by one basis. This should be an easy fix. 

43 Kommentare

Need this, too! 

There should be a workflow that lets us associate everything (maybe based on dates) to the deals


146thing this! Definitely a feature that needs to be built in. I have a sales partner not logging and we just discoverdd it. I have 3 months of emails logged to contacts and companies but not deals. Would be great to be able to click all the emails in a company or contact and then select the association rather than by email chain. 

Teilnehmer/-in | Diamond Partner

This has been requested by our clients as well