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Need some kind of permissions to see Dashboard or hide from certain users
Any Hubspot CRM (Sales) user can see all dashboards!
It is scary to me that any CRM user can view anyone else's dashboard in Hubspot Sales.
This has huge privacy issues with lower-level users being able to see my Dashboard and all sales and financial data.
Ummm....this is a huge oversight.
The workarounds are:
1. Not have any dashboards or reporting (not really a good idea...)
2. Disable user from Hubspot CRM access (what's the point then of a CRM if users can't use it?)
3. Restrict access to only contacts OWNED - this is a huge kludgey workaround and hides critical financial information from a Dashboard but doesn't hide the Dashboard and doesn't allow a CRM user to view/edit contacts they don't own but may need to interact with on behalf of some other CRM user.
Please give the ability to have Dashboard Permissions!
Not everyone in the company should have access/visibility into everyone else's charts, graphs, financial pipelines and deals...
Yes to what Jeremy has said. We'd like the ability to have lower level sales users blocked from viewing sales dashboards, but still have access to the contacts that they own or that their team owns. Ideally, we'd be able to offer them use of the CRM without access to the dashboard section, or set the dashboard(s) that they can view--which would be separate from the ones that super admins and sales managers see. Make sense?
No sales rep should be able to see the entire company. Still, if a contact calls in who belongs to another HS user, any user who takes that call should be able to update the contact record. Upvoted.
We support the idea from Jeremy - a lot of our customers have freelancers to support e.g. in social or blogging stuff. They should not see every detail of the marketing or sales performance.
Some even the Sales Professional add on which gives them additional dashboard and more KPI´s. For them it is even more worse.
I do not want some of users ( such as junior staff or partners) to see dahsboard reports at all. Why should they see rev, sales performance, convertion numbers.
There are severaal complaints on this matter sitting more than a year.
I think we will cancel our hubspot subscription very soon...
Feel as though i have to jump on the bandwagon on this one.
It seems a massively big oversight on the part of Hubspot. By default dashboards should have differing levels on access/information depending on the seniority and responsibilities of a particular role (what a junior person needs to see on their dashboard is totally different from a member of the Senior Management Team). To allow everyone/anyone to see the same information is fundementally flawed and causes major issues around both security and corporate governance.
Can anyone add to whether there has been any progress (or at least acceptance) on this issue on the part of Hubspot?
We would be really happy if this would be implemented. All our employees use HubSpot CRM but not all of them should have access to the information on the sales dashboard. Would be nice to hear from HubSpot on the topic.
This is critical for my production team (lower level) using tickets - I do not want them to have access to client contact information or financial data, but want them to be able to view dashboards so they know how they are pacing to their goals. Please implement this ASAP!
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